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This post is more than 5 years old



March 12th, 2008 04:00

Exchange 2007 Mailbox backup error


I try to backup Mailboxes of Exchange 2007 SP1 using a Networker Server 7.3.2, the Networker client in Exchange is 7.3.2 too, the module version is 5.0 and this backups always finish with this error:

savegrp: suppressed 2 lines of verbose output
[3876] 03/05/08 20:32:35 System Version: 5.2 Build 3790 Service Pack 2
03/05/08 20:32:35 ESEBCLI2.DLL Version: 08.01.0240.005 Service Pack 1
[3876] 03/05/08 20:32:35 Performing an Exchange save operation; save level is Full (Legato Backup Level: full).
03/05/08 20:32:35 Parsing parameters from the command line...
[3876] 03/05/08 20:32:35 Opening connection to NetWorker Server...
[3876] 03/05/08 20:32:37 mb_item.cpp(340): Error getting Exchange System Attendant legacyExchangeDN: 0x00005012
[3876] 03/05/08 20:32:37 mb_item.cpp(677): Exchange Server information not present.
[3876] 03/05/08 20:32:37 Backup operation finished with errors. No savetime was sent.

And this error in nsrxchmbsv.log:

03/10/08 04:01:42 Start time Mon Mar 10 04:01:42 2008
[2464] 03/10/08 04:01:42 Computer Name: EXCHANGE User Name: TBL\bkpexchange (bkpexchange)
03/10/08 04:01:42 nsrxchmbsv.exe Version: Supporting Exchange 2000, Exchange 2003 and Exchange 2007
[2464] 03/10/08 04:01:42 System Version: 5.2 Build 3790 Service Pack 2
03/10/08 04:01:42 ESEBCLI2.DLL Version: 08.01.0240.005 Service Pack 1
[2464] 03/10/08 04:01:42 Command line:
03/10/08 04:01:42 "C:\Program Files\Legato\nsr\bin\nsrxchmbsv.exe" -s -g EXCHANGE_MAILBOX_STORAGEENGINE -LL -m -o VSS*=off -l full -q -W 78 -N MSEXCH:MB MSEXCH:MB
[2464] 03/10/08 04:01:43 NetWorker Server Version: NetWorker nw_7_3_2_jumbo.Build.386 Network Edition/10
03/10/08 04:01:43 Console Code Page: 1252; System Default Locale: 1033; Master Flag: 1 (originally: 0)
[2464] 03/10/08 04:01:43 Options:
03/10/08 04:01:43 Server:
[2464] 03/10/08 04:01:43 Client:
03/10/08 04:01:43 Save set name: MSEXCH:MB
[2464] 03/10/08 04:01:43 Pool: None
[2464] 03/10/08 04:01:43 Level: full
03/10/08 04:01:43 Compress: False
[2464] 03/10/08 04:01:43 Temporary directory: C:\Program Files\Legato\nsr\tmp
03/10/08 04:01:43 Operation type: Traditional
[2464] 03/10/08 04:01:43 Performing an Exchange save operation; save level is Full (Legato Backup Level: full).
03/10/08 04:01:43 Parsing parameters from the command line...
[2464] 03/10/08 04:01:43 Opening connection to NetWorker Server...
03/10/08 04:01:43 Started PerfMon update thread (Id: 4912)
[2464] 03/10/08 04:01:43 Performance monitor update thread running
[2464] 03/10/08 04:01:43 mb_item.cpp(340): Error getting Exchange System Attendant legacyExchangeDN: 0x00005012
[2464] 03/10/08 04:01:43 svmain(1110): begin_mb_item_backup failed with status = 0x00005012
[2464] 03/10/08 04:01:43 mb_item.cpp(677): Exchange Server information not present.
[2464] 03/10/08 04:01:43 svmain(1145): end_mb_item_backup failed with status = 0x0000000d
03/10/08 04:01:43 Stopping performance monitor update thread.
[2464] 03/10/08 04:01:44 Performance monitor update thread terminating
[2464] 03/10/08 04:01:44 Backup operation finished with errors. No savetime was sent.
03/10/08 04:01:44 Completion time Mon Mar 10 04:01:44 2008

I made that this solution of Powerlink but the error persists:

I try to use a 5.1 module but when I use then the backup group dind't finish and the error of mailboxes is the same.

When I run the backup using command line and the same problem repeat.


54 Posts

March 12th, 2008 04:00

I forgot to say, the backup of MSEXCH: works without any problem.

I check the permitions too, but the same errors repeat every time.

My problem always happen when run the mailboxes backup.


54 Posts

March 17th, 2008 05:00


last week I try to install this options of clients and modules:

Networker client 7.3.2 and module 5.0
Networker client 7.3.2 and module 5.1
Networker client 7.4.1 and module 5.0
Networker client 7.4.1 and module 5.1

The Networker Server is Networker 7.3.2 all tests.

Always happen the same problem.

Anybody can help me?


253 Posts

March 18th, 2008 08:00


Have you tried to run a mailboxes backup from Exchange Server by NetWorker User for Exchange? If yes, take a look to Event Viewer and tell us if there is some unusual.


2 Intern


14.3K Posts

April 3rd, 2008 10:00

This is an permission issue at Exchange level. However any discussion on this subject is pointless as MS does not support MAPI backups of mailboxes and they should not be used.

54 Posts

April 11th, 2008 05:00

Hello all,

I open a case in EMC and this a know problem by EMC and its solved when the support send me a new version of Exchange Module, this module isn't available yet in EMC Powerlink. Its a different 5.1 version.


2 Intern


14.3K Posts

April 23rd, 2008 04:00

Given that EMC is interested to hear what is the outcome, I'm interested to hear why (and since when) EMC supports backup which is not supported by native application vendor :D

And obviously, to find which SR that you first resolve who the user is and then you check his/her company SRs :D
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