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41 Posts


August 27th, 2021 00:00

U2419H, side USB ports usage?

Hello Guys,

I have the DELL U2419H Monitor and there are some USB ports on the left side of the Monitor.

I would like to know what can these USB Ports be used for ?

Please see the attached image of which ports in particular that I am talking about.


DELL U2419H PortsDELL U2419H Ports

41 Posts

August 27th, 2021 08:00


Just because you have a full time job here. I am not gonna give wind to the fire   ! Saying Thank You comes when the other person after helping others remains.modest about it. But on the contrary you took it to altogether new level with your sarcastic way of saying things. You did. not leave an opportunity for me to say Thank You! You changed Tracks ! Not my fault !!

9 Legend


14K Posts

August 27th, 2021 11:00

@Magnito  This isn't my job here, full-time or otherwise.  As to the rest, I gave you a correct answer.  I even explained why you needed a second cable.  And I mentioned an available resource that you could have consulted to get (on average) more reliable information in less time spent by fewer people -- which is something you can also keep in mind for any future needs.  And yet for you, it's apparently not about what I said but just how I said it, even though you still haven't suggested some way that I could have mentioned the manual that you would have considered non-sarcastic and non-condescending.  I guess getting accurate information for free isn't enough for some people.

9 Legend


14K Posts

August 27th, 2021 12:00

@Magnito  I'm not complaining about lack of compensation.  I contribute here for free, as so several other users here, and I'm happy to do that.  Although I'm even happier when the correct information I provide is actually appreciated.  If you came here only wanting answers from official Dell customer service reps, then you should have said so in your post.  They are identifiable by usernames that begin with "DELL", fyi.  I'm also not saying it was a big issue for me to comment.  I'm merely pointing out that I gave you accurate information, and yet you decided to fixate on the fact that I apparently didn't give it to you in the precise way you wanted it, and not the fact that your question was correctly answered.

41 Posts

August 27th, 2021 12:00


So in the first place why are you on a Dell Official Community Forum ? If you think you may not necessarily mean and think what DELL wants for its customers. You are in a wrong place then ?? You should not be here in the first place. And definitely not contributing on a help forum

Yes I still say Companies and Brands go extra mile to retain and.make their customers happy. If you did not believe in that philosophy I told you could have refrained from replying on my comment. But instead you chose to keep yapping on and on and on. I don't know for what reason. But just mindless Blabbering !!

9 Legend


14K Posts

August 27th, 2021 12:00

@Magnito  You said, "Customers think it as a part of the extra mile that Brands and Companies go to retain and keep their customers happy."  That suggests you expect to get something here from the company, which would be Dell.  And anyhow, saying "I guess it's not enough for people to get advice for free" absolutely doesn't mean I'm against people getting advice for free.  If I was, I wouldn't be here doing this for free as I have been for literally years.  What that comment means is, "I guess just getting a correct answer for free wasn't good enough for you.  Instead, you wanted a correct answer for free that was also delivered in exactly the tone that you wanted, otherwise you'll be unhappy" -- even though you still haven't explained exactly what sort of tone you would have considered non-sarcastic and non-condescending.

Whatever man, enjoy your USB connectivity when you get the right cable connected.  And next time you need something, consider that the manual may have answers to your questions.  In the meantime, I'll make sure not to try to help you anymore as I did here and even in this other thread of yours. Sorry you had a bad experience this time around.

41 Posts

August 27th, 2021 12:00


Alas you realise what I meant. Thank you for your understanding !!

41 Posts

August 27th, 2021 12:00


I think you have totaly lost it !! Do not put words in my mouth ! Where did I say that I was expecting answers only from DELL official Reps. I came here for answers Dell Official or not. It didn't matter to me. But when you made that comment that "I guess it is not enough for people to get advice for free" it clearly alludes to the fact that you are against Customers getting advice for free. 

Please get your act together and introspect what you are going on yapping about ??

9 Legend


14K Posts

August 27th, 2021 12:00

@Magnito  Enjoy your USB connectivity on your display.

41 Posts

August 27th, 2021 12:00


Looks like now you are venting out your frustrations for not being paid here for giving advice to people asking questions. Please get in touch with DELL if you expect some kind of remuneration for your contribution here. Because DELL customers do not sign up here thinking they will get free advice or not. Customers think it as a part of the extra mile that Brands and Companies go to retain and keep their customers happy. Also I did not ask you to comment on my thread. If it was such a big issue for you to comment on this thread, you could have passed on this thread. I did not come begging to you that please help me !! What's wrong with you ? With your same continous broken record that you are going on and on ?? I can't pay you. Please ask DELL and tell DELL if you think you should be paid for your service and Customer should not get any advice for free. 

But enough of this Blabbering now frankly !!

Community Manager


55K Posts

August 28th, 2021 06:00


Our users were simply providing assistance.

Online U2419H User's Guide




41 Posts

August 29th, 2021 04:00

My doubt is not clear and is unresolved as yet. So I had a question on using the USB Downstream Port on the DELL U2419H Monitor.

So the DELL U2419H Monitor has two USB Downstream Ports (Which I understand when I connect the USB Upstream Cable with my Computer) I can then use the USB Downstream Ports as Normal USB, Now one of these USB Downstream Port says it supports BC 1.2, Which I presume it means Battery Charging 1.2 which means I can charge certain Mobile devices from that Port since it outputs higher amount of Voltage ? is my Understanding Correct till here ? But my other question is even when I do not connect the USB Upstream Cable and when I directly try to charge some of my Bluetooth Devices with a Wireless Charger Connected to these USB Downstream Port, it still charges my Bluetooth Devices ? So how is the BC 1.2 Different ? Anyways without using the BC 1.2 any which ways my devices are getting charged ? So what is the difference ? Can you please tell me?

41 Posts

August 29th, 2021 06:00

Thanks for the Clarification. I have one more Follow Up question to your answer, Now what happens is when I do not have a USB Upstream Cable Connected and when I connect anything to the USB Downstream Ports there is no message that pops up on my computer which says USB Drivers Installed. But when I have the USB Upstream Cable Connected to the the Computer and then when I plug in a Wireless Charger in the USB Downstream Port then I get a Pop Up Message that Downloading USB Drivers which Fails, and is not able to download the Drivers. So my question is how is when USB Upstream Cable Connected New Drivers are initiated and when not connected the USB Downstream Ports work fine without any additional drivers installed or required ? I hope you have understood my question and not got confused ? Please let me know if you have not understood my question ?

41 Posts

August 29th, 2021 06:00

I dont know why my Posts were Edited (For Title & Content) and also Merged ? BUt anyways You have now put my last question above your last comment, so anyone reading will think you have given answer on my question. BUt in my latest Comment I am asking about BC 1.2 ?

Community Manager


55K Posts

August 29th, 2021 06:00

No USB upstream cable connected = All USB downstream ports provide 0.9 A charging

USB upstream cable connected = USB downstream port with battery symbol provides BC 1.2 2.0 A charging



9 Legend


14K Posts

August 29th, 2021 13:00

@Magnito  When you don't have an upstream cable connected, your PC won't have any way of knowing what devices are plugged into the display's downstream ports, which means it wouldn't be possible for a prompt to appear when you connect something to those ports.  When you DO have an upstream cable connected, the system CAN see what you're doing with those ports.  It sounds like your wireless charger supports some sort of data interface as opposed to purely drawing from the power pins on a USB port.  That's pretty common for devices that support drawing more power than the USB standard 0.9 A (for USB 3.x ports) because sometimes those higher power draws involve a negotiation.  I can't speak to why some driver won't install though, since that might depend on the specific wireless charger you have and/or the Windows version you're running.  But I wouldn't necessarily recommend using a wireless charger from a display USB port either, even one that supports BC 1.2.  Wireless chargers are relatively inefficient, which means that in order to provide a certain amount of power to the device -- say, 7.5 W -- they need to draw appreciably more than that.  BC 1.2 allows 2.0 A, which at the USB standard of 5 V works out to 10 W.  Your wireless charger might only be providing 5 W to the device given that input from the display.  Many wireless chargers are designed to support Quick Charge standards and/or USB PD, which support providing higher amperage and voltage levels to the wireless charger.  I have one for example that supports up to 15 W output to a device, but it only does that when connected to a source that itself offers 24 W.  If you want your wireless charger to perform optimally, you might want to consider plugging it into a proper wall charger that supports whatever specs the wireless charger is designed to support for optimal performance.

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