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This post is more than 5 years old



1 Rookie


2 Posts


August 10th, 2006 04:00

Padlock symbol in Middle of Screen

I have a white padlock (which keeps opening and closing) in the middle of my screen. It is on a square blue background edged in white 3.5cm by 3.5cm. I can't click on it or move it and I have run all my virus and spyware programs to try and remove it. Can anyone shed any light on what it is and how to get rid of it.
Thanks for your help

4 Operator


20.1K Posts

August 10th, 2006 16:00

I found this by searching the forums:   Seems to be a monitor setting.

1 Rookie


9 Posts

August 26th, 2006 01:00

It's not spyware, adware or a virus.

It's a monitor glitch.

Change the resolution and it goes away then change back to your original resolution.

I wrote step by step instructions on this page -

I hope that helps, that padlock drove me CRAZY for an hour.

2 Posts

December 3rd, 2006 15:00

I tried changing the resolution and changing it back and it doesn't make any difference.
It seems to be a hardware problem with the menu set up keys as the only key that responds is the power key.
Is there anyway to reset the monitor by holding down some combination of these keys or to replace key pad logic board inside the monitor?  It says that it is a BenQ board?
Any help would be appreciated as the lcd itself is fine.

2 Posts

December 6th, 2006 00:00

Well believe it or not, I solved my problem with a penny.  I'm not kidding. A real Lincoln Penny. 
After messing around for a while I found that if the key with the "X" was held in continuously the blinking padlock went away. 
I tried to figure out a way to keep this key depressed continuously and nothing seemed to work.  So, what I did was remove the back cover.  You need to take out about 10 screws. Then I took a penny and I put it in front the button for the "X" and I put everything back together and it's working like a charm.
None of the other keys work except for the power key but they didn't work anyway so I fixed my monitor for a penny.  You can't beat that.:smileyvery-happy:

1 Message

January 16th, 2008 05:00

I'll save you a penny.
The problem appears to be caused by dirty contacts in the buttons. The result is a short circuit, which fools the monitor into thinking that the button(s) are being depressed. If you have a simple understanding of electronics, you can fix this in a matter of minutes (at you own risk, of course).
Unplug the monitor
Open it up by removing any screws and/or snaps
Get access to the button panel
Clean the contacts with a brush and some isopropanol
Put everything back together
Say goodbye to the annoying padlock. :smileywink:

1 Message

June 17th, 2011 09:00

Before you do all the things listed above, check your monitor cable.  If it is stretched to tight it will cause this.  Simply move your monitor to release the tension.  Quick and easy fix!

1 Message

June 27th, 2018 04:00

Try rebooting your pc. worked for me and the lock is gone.

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