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1 Rookie


3 Posts


August 18th, 2024 19:42

P2425H, paired with P2419H, incompatible colour

On the recommendation of Dell Sales, I bought a Dell P2425H monitor to replace one of a pair of Dell P2419H monitors that had just died six months out of warranty (a disappointment in itself). Since it is the closest model in size dimensions to the discontinued P2419H. It was immediately obvious however that even the Standard colour mode of the P2425H is completely different from the P2419H, with the new monitor appearing much duller, even when brightness and contrast are increased to 100%, with a yellowish tint causing it to appear dull in every preset. 
Technical support asked for a video comparing the two, stated that it was functioning normally and had nothing to suggest other than further stating that different monitor models will always have different displays. Perhaps so, but a difference in colour and brightness to this degree is intolerable: since the whole point of having a dual-monitor display for work purposes requires constant comparisons between and across screens every few seconds or even several times a second, it is simply out of the question to accept this permanent reminder of incompatibility throughout every working day indefinitely, so the adviser's advice is worse than useless. No adjustments have even approximated to the brightness of the P2419H, and following suggestions on the web, changing the profile in Window 11 Colour Management from DELL P2425H Color Profile, D6500 to a recalibrated display (sRGB display profile with display hardware configuration data derived from calibration) has made no difference. I'm altogether unimpressed first by the poor quality of manufacture of the first pair of P2419H monitors, the suggested replacement from Dell Sales with the P2425H, then the dismissive 'advice' of Dell Technical Support following purchase of that replacement. Does anyone have a suggestion, or should I just return the P2425H for a refund while the window remains open, and look elsewhere? Or even more ridiculously, cut losses with the second of the P2419H pair (the first having only lasted three years six months) by discarding the second of the pair as also landfill already, accept the dull yellowing tint of the P2425H, and buy another of that model in the hope a second at least duplicates the first?

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