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This post is more than 5 years old


December 27th, 2003 16:00

I have lines across my monitor screen.

I have a 19 inch P991 Trinitron Monitor.  When viewing a dark background, I can see lines from the top of the screen to the bottom.  The lines angle from lower left to upper right.  I have consulted with Tech Support by phone, but did not eliminate the problem.  I use Windows Me.  Can anyone clue me in as to what may be going on, and how to resolve it?  Thanks!

Message Edited by hiokj on 12-27-2003 09:08 PM



16.9K Posts

December 29th, 2003 12:00


Thank you for using the Dell Community Forum.

Do you have any electical devices next to or on top of the monitor that can cause a magetic interference? If so, you may want to move them away. Devices such as speakers,woofers, phones etc.

2 Posts

December 29th, 2003 16:00

I really appreciate the response and advice, but that can't be what's causing my problem, as there is nothing close by as you suggest.  Any other advice will most certainly be appreciated as well.  Thanks!

16 Posts

December 31st, 2003 14:00

Could it be a graphics card problem?  I recently upgraded my graphics card, and now I get vertical white lines across my screen on occasion.

385 Posts

January 2nd, 2004 04:00

try upgrading your video driver plus your windows updates or in case you have windows xp, install this service pack:

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