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September 24th, 2022 02:00

Latitude E5430 replacement wi-fi adapter for 5G working - possible?

hi All. Greetings from Thailand where I retired with my wife. Retired means low income, Thailand means apart from my wife I'm in the middle of a community that to all intents and purposes speak unintelligible gibberish. They probably think the same about me! Retired means that even if I need a new laptop there is no money available for one. It is my lifeline to sanity though with a Netflix subscription given to me by my children.

Until a few weeks ago we had an old router that delivered 5GHZ and the lappie could see that and I think somehow used it as connectivity was never a problem, Now however since the old router failed and the ISP gave us a brand-new one the lappie no longer sees the 5GHZ we are paying for and so it won't connect to it. Instead we get 2.4GHZ, pitiful speeds and connection that reapeatedly goes to spinning wheel if you see what I mean. Even YouTube fails and that has to be small bandwidth stuff (technical term I read on Google!)

Can I buy a 5GHZ WLAN adapter and get my local engineer to fit it so I can get the 5GHZ back. I saw a Dell guy made a post asbout buying one on Amazon for an older Inspiron so is there hope for me? Giving me the exact thing to buy for my machine would be helpful because I am pretty amazing on computers - NOT! Take pity someone please!

The ISP say they have no routers that are compatible with my older WLAN - not even old ones, only these super-dooper new ones so although they changed the router f.o.c I might just as well have not bothered them! Sppeds have gone from over 100mbs to 10 - 15 mbs.

9 Legend


12.4K Posts

September 24th, 2022 06:00

This Wi-Fi card at Amazon should work as I have used it in my old 5430. As an alternative you could also try a USB Wi-Fi adapter of which there are many on the market.

4 Posts

September 30th, 2022 00:00

It was a rousing success, easy to fit and worked once the correct Intel drivers were installed so once again - many thanks.From 12-18mbs to over 440 mbsFrom 12-18mbs to over 440 mbs

9 Legend


12.4K Posts

September 24th, 2022 08:00

Happy to help out, and the card installation is extremely simple as well, as shown here on the service manual.

4 Posts

September 24th, 2022 08:00

Thanks for that, I saw someone used the same on a Dell Inspiron which I suspect in that sort of component is pretty much the same naimal.

So I have ordered (Costing $10.16 including postage) the same thing from our own Ebay type platform here, see link. Much cheaper too!!!!!!c!!6611980059!553133641&gclid=Cj0KCQjw1bqZBhDXARIsANTjCPJQ_KRZHWTmhEo6Gy8LibD4qAwTgtOQRP-WaAUfujonG2SBAAWprHIaAohOEALw_wcB

Hoping it works. Thanks again!

4 Posts

September 24th, 2022 17:00

That'll no doubt prove pretty useful, thanks again for that item. I'll post again with results once the new part arrives, usually takes a week unless it comes direct from China as this does I believe in which case it might be two weeks.


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