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1 Rookie


9 Posts


March 22nd, 2021 14:00

Latitude 7420 BIOS text spelling error "Opeartion"

Just wondering if anyone else with a 7420 could check the "Storage" screen in their UEFI/BIOS settings and let me know if they see this typo ("Opeartion" instead of "Operation")?

I only noticed it after upgrading to BIOS 1.4.1, but to be honest I don't think I'd looked closely at this screen previously so can't be certain if it changed or was always wrong.


Screenshot of storage page in BIOS settingsScreenshot of storage page in BIOS settings

I have an existing case open with Dell about this - just curious if it is just me or if anyone else noticed the same thing?


ps Yeah I know it shouldn't be affecting any functionality, but thought it was worth following up anyway

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