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5 Posts


April 20th, 2020 14:00

Dell latitute e5430 upgrade


​Al momento ho un dell latitude e5430 non V-Pro così configurato:​

​Versione/data BIOS Dell Inc. A21, 30/11/2018​
​Versione SMBIOS 2.7​
​Cpu: Intel Core Core i7-3740QM, SR0UV, 2.70GHz/6Mb 4 core 8 thread​
​Ram: 16gb (2x8gb kingston ddr3l cl11)​
​gpu: ovviamente intel hd4000​
​hdd: 1 ssd sata3 corsair force le 480gb 1 hdd 5400rpm stl1000lm024 1tb​
​display: LP140WD1 (TL)(D2) Glossy 1600x900 ​
​wifi: Intel dual band wireless N7260​

​Utilizzo il pc per lavoro, sia a casa che fuori, a casa utilizzato prevalentemente con docking station pr02x​

​Per lavoro ho necessità di utilizzare le memorie di massa, è possibile installare un disco msata su slot wwan? esistono casi verificati di installazione dischi msata su slot wwan?​

​Al momento subisco molto la differenza di prestazioni fra l'ssd ed il disco meccanico, nel caso di impossibilita di poter installare disco msata, mi conviene sostiture il disco meccanico con un ssd da 480gb e configurarli in raid0? Le prestazioni in lettura e scrittura aumenterebbero notevolmente rispetto all'utilizzo del singolo disco ssd? oppure mi conviene installare un unico ssd sata3 e lasciare vuoto l'altro slot ODD magari andando a guadagnare qualcosa in termini di durata della batteria?​

4 Operator


5.6K Posts

April 20th, 2020 17:00

Given the age of the laptop, the only thing I would do is upgrade to a SSD.

April 20th, 2020 17:00

@nyc10036 I already have an ssd, a corsair force le 480gb sata3

I have one ssd and one hdd 

4 Operator


5.6K Posts

April 20th, 2020 17:00

I can't read Italian and most people here don't either, so you had better write in English if you want a better answer.




April 20th, 2020 17:00

@nyc10036 If msata drive in wwan slot don't work, is better a raid0 of two ssd or a bigger single ssd leaving the odd free for recovery something in battery saver.

A raid0 ssd configuration it greatly increases performance?

April 21st, 2020 05:00

@ejn63The chipset hm77 support raid function and in the bios is possible to configure the raid, in Raid 0 configuration, Disk clustering improves disk read and write performance and the cache is shared.

In this video an user have set raid0 on e6440 of two ssd, which does not have the raid function in the bios, he have installed a modified bios, and  the performance are much increased, saturated the controlle band

why shouldn't they increase my performance by having the ability to enable the feature natively and the chipset support it?

data loss for raid0 of two ssd? is really difficult, the ssd at the end of our life (finisched writing cycles) they only work in reading mode.
I have never seen an SSD disk with bad sectors in many years or that suddenly broke and was not even more accessible.

10 Elder


25.2K Posts

April 21st, 2020 05:00

No - testing has proven that RAID 0 isn't a performance booster.  And realize that any RAID 0 setup would have to be at the operating system level - not hardware, which the system does not support.

Also realize that RAID 0 at any level doubles your chance of data loss - failure of either drive will result in total loss.

April 21st, 2020 07:00

@ejn63therefore doubling the read and write speeds does not constitute an improvement in performance... not even on the desktop... ok if you are convinced, maybe you've never done and seen a raid0 on PC

10 Elder


25.2K Posts

April 21st, 2020 07:00

What the chipset supports is not relevant -- and though there may be a RAID setting in BIOS, there will be no RAID 0 setting for a Latitude system.

It's been shown time and time again that RAID 0 using two SSDs offers little to no improvement over a single drive for a desktop or notebook system.  Servers are another matter.


10 Elder


25.2K Posts

April 21st, 2020 08:00

It may in fact double read and write speeds - but that's just part of the overall performance picture.  You're convinced -- on you next desktop system, go for RAID 0.  On the Latitude you initially asked about - you can't.


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