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This post is more than 5 years old


September 29th, 2016 12:00

XPS L502x laptop backlight ribbon cable lacks locking hinge

I bought a new keyboard for my L502x because the old one was beginning to wear out, and I noticed that on the motherboard the connector for the backlight ribbon cable was completely missing the little hinge that locks the cable in place. It wasn't broken, just missing. I have a photo attached, it's a bit blurry but you can clearly see that the little white connector at the top has no locking hinge.

Is there no way to get this fixed outside of just buying a new motherboard? My model was a refurbished one and did not come with a backlit keyboard to begin with, but I heard people say that the connector was there...and yet it still has no option of locking the cable in place, which is very frustrating.

(The keyboard does work regardless, I'm just mildly annoyed that I can't use the backlight)

4 Operator


2.3K Posts

September 29th, 2016 13:00

Stupid question but I have to ask, was the connector there when you took off the old keyboard?  Maybe it somehow got stuck on the old keyboard ribbon cable?  If its the white connector i'm thinking of, if its gone its gone and I don't know of any replacement.  You could try electrical tape to hold it in, just so you can have your backlight working.

9 Legend


87.5K Posts

September 29th, 2016 14:00

If the connector is there, but the lock is not, chances are it was broken at some point.

13 Posts

September 29th, 2016 14:00

No, the hinge for the connector was not there. I assume since this never was meant to have a backlit keyboard it was simply left out or broken off.

13 Posts

September 29th, 2016 19:00

I don't think it was there since I got the laptop due to it being a refurbished one. I would try using electrical tape but I don't want to risk messing stuff up, so I'm probably just going to use it without the light.

4 Operator


2.3K Posts

September 30th, 2016 10:00

It shouldn't mess anything up, just plug the cable into the connector and use a small piece of tape to secure it.  BUT if you do not feel comfortable definitely don't do it.  

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