
This post is more than 5 years old

4 Posts


March 25th, 2012 12:00

XPS 15Z Slow processor speed and other problems.


Ive had a XPS 15z since September of last year, It suffered from overheating and wireless issues the whole time before eventually breaking in January, It was returned to dell and a new motherboard was put into it. After getting it back the processor speed is noticeably slower and programs and games which used to run smoothly are now choppy and laggy. The Windows experience index for my processor has dropped from a 6.9 to a 4.0, so Im assuming my problems lie with the cpu and not any other components.  Does anyone know if this is a hardware fault or something Im missing e.g. bios, drivers or something along those lines.

My Cpu is  i5-2430M @ 2.4ghz

CPUID shows that when Im running an intensive program the processor speed changes from 2400 MHz to 800 MHz, which Im assuming isnt normal? and I have disabled speedstep.

Its really frustrating to have spent £800 on a laptop and have so many issues with it, even after it broke within 6 months Dell have returned it to me with a slower/damaged processor and the overheating problems that it had before. Also to make things worse after getting my system back from dell the lighting on the keyboard no longer works, a key feature of the XPS 15z, is  there a way to re-enable it without taking the laptop apart?

I would be grateful in any help resolving these problems as I have run out of patientce with this system, bad build quality, poor customer service and failure to rectify any of my issues have made me consider selling this laptop and buying a Macbook pro.

4 Posts

March 27th, 2012 13:00

Any ideas anyone?

4 Posts

March 28th, 2012 19:00

It seems to be getting slower, in the turbo booster monitor the green leaf icon is constantly on meaning it is in power saver mode. How do I stop it from doing this and speed my cpu up from 800MHz.

4 Posts

April 2nd, 2012 13:00

Any ideas? Can I trade this hunk of crap in for a full refund or will Dell try to scam me again?

May 28th, 2012 23:00

hi .

why did you replace the motherboard. Wireless card issuses were solved by installing the latest drivers. Now you can try opening the laptop bottom cover and clean the ram , etc

This video may help

July 1st, 2012 19:00

Yeah, I just started getting this issue a few weeks ago. I used to be able to play games at medium settings at native resolution, but since this issue started, i've had to reduce all my settings to low, and the resolution to 1366x768, and even then, I've been getting overheating issues once to twice a day. For me, it started after I talked to a tech support guy and he upgraded my firmware and bios. I was having issues with my trackpad not responding, which has since stopped working all together. Along with a slew of other issues, such as a broken screen, which I managed to get replaced for free, and a keyboard that is at times unresponsive. I have contacted Dell support for a majority of these issues, but I've become tired in constantly dealing with support just to do things that I SHOULD be able to do on any computer. I've already ordered a Macbook so I can just get on with my life. I switched to a PC thinking that I could get a nice performance boost after using an older generation Macbook, but the questionable quality of these laptops has convinced me to switch back, and in just under a year too.

Also note, that The Verge has reported this same issue in the newer Dell XPS laptops as well. They received a review unit with the same issues. If anyone is thinking about picking up one of the newer XPS models, or one of the 15z models, I would highly suggest against it.


I'm going to try to rollback the BIOS update that the customer support agent put on my laptop and see if that works so I can at least use my laptop until my Macbook gets here.

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