
This post is more than 5 years old



September 14th, 2005 06:00

spilled apple juice

hi, i accidentally spilled apple juice onto my inspiron 8600 laptop and once it spilled, my screen turned white...so then i started unplugging everything from the back to try to drain it out by putting it upside down, but before i removed the battery, my computer automatically turned off...does that mean my motherboard is fried? i detached all the parts from my computer and set it out to dry and i'm debating whether i should clean it with rubbing alcohol or isopropyl? i REALLY hope my computer isn't fried because i dont wanna get owned by buying a new motherboard or whatever...so what should i do?

September 14th, 2005 08:00

if it was only spilled water...then it wouldn't have been as bad...stupid apple juice...but yeah, i've already removed the keyboard...i basically took everything apart...except for the mother board out of the plastic casing...but it's pretty much just one piece...the motherboard and the plastic casing as one piece...now to pray and wait =\

33 Posts

September 14th, 2005 08:00

So the screen turned white, probably the videocard is soaked.
And then the computer shutted down, can be anything, probably motherboard.
It's possible that the computer will work again when you let it dry, however the possibility that the system will stop working again within a few months from now is big.
Almost all types of drinks contain some kind of bad stuff for motherboards, it means that the motherboard will start corroding or things like that. It happens every day, it takes approximately 2-3 months before problems begin after spillage.
Did you already remove the keyboard to let the motherboard dry? I'm not sure about cleaning prints, here in the Netherlands I saw a little spraycan for that purpose but I can't remember the name.
Why don't people ever spill destilled water? :smileyindifferent:

3 Posts

September 14th, 2005 13:00

Bummer man. I suppose that is when that complete care warrenty would have come in handy.


September 14th, 2005 18:00

i have isopropyl alcohol and i'm debating whether or not to clean my motherboard with it with a q-tip? is this a good idea?
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