
This post is more than 5 years old


January 6th, 2011 15:00

Plugged in, not charging

Can anyone help me? My battery is dead (0% charge) and I have a problem with charging it - it says 'plugged in, not charging'.

I did a fix a while ago which seemed to work but it stopped charging again and now that fixdoesn't work. I've taken the battery out and powered up without it then replaced it to no avail. Someone suggested I need to update the BIOS but you need at least 10% charge so i can't try that and don't know anyone with a DELL whose battery I can borrow...

I am using genuine DELL chargers (I have 2 and neither work)

Any ideas?!


9 Legend


87.5K Posts

January 6th, 2011 16:00

Go into the BIOS setup (F2).  Is the AC adapter recognized, or listed as "unknown"?


January 7th, 2011 09:00

Thanks for reply - sorry to be so dim but how do i go into the bios setup - pressing F2 does nothing?

If i look in device manager it seems to recognise the ac adapter (doesn't say "unknown")...


9 Legend


87.5K Posts

January 7th, 2011 10:00

Press F2 a few times immediately at powerup.  You'll get into BIOS setup.


January 7th, 2011 17:00

For me, with an M1530, it's a faulty motherboard. Only when I had my motherboard changed did this problem start.

There seem to be a surprising number of threads re. problematic charging.

January 12th, 2011 12:00

Eventually managed to get into BIOS - the AC adapter is not recognised...

Now what? Tp update BIOS apparently you need 10% battery and mine is dead as a doornail...:emotion-42:

January 12th, 2011 12:00

Thanks for the reply - wish i knew more about htis sort of thing!!

I'll try to contact Tech Support but they warranty is up so doubt they'll be too forthcoming to help!

Motherboard replacement sounds expensive...?

3 Apprentice


904 Posts

January 12th, 2011 12:00


This problem could be fixed if you were able to update BIOS. Since that not an option now

I believe you need to get the MotherBoard replaced.

If the BIOS doesnt not detect the AC Adapter, it could be a problem with the AC Adpt itself or the Motherboard, and since you are able to turn on your System with AC Adpt plugged in. It seems its an issue with the Motherboard.

Have you tried contacting Tech Support??. The only possible solution here is to replace the Motherboard on the system.

Contact Tech Support and they will help you with the same.

- Telson

3 Apprentice


904 Posts

January 12th, 2011 22:00

How old is your laptop ?. A dell laptop can have a max of 5yrs warranty its always advised to have any electronic device under warranty, mainly a laptop cause the spare parts mainly the motherboard are expensive.

Well if possible try getting a dell battery from a friend or acquaintance and you can give BIOS update a shot. The BIOS update has a 50-50 chances of fixing such issues. Would definitely save you the expense.

I make sure i have warranty on any electronic device i own, i just bought a camera the other day and also a 3yr warranty on it. After all its a electronic device which can fail anytime.

If you are able to get the BIOS Update done and if it does fix the issue it would be great, else get the motherboard replaced. Either ways if you get the issue fixed i would suggest you go for a warranty extension right away. As i said an electronic device can fail anytime and the cost of the repairs is way more expensive than the warranty itself.

Whenever you get any part replaced make sure you get it replaced from dell.



3 Posts

January 13th, 2011 02:00

Sorry to be a bit of a nerd but I have the same problem. I pressed F2 on start up and got to the set up but cannot find a page in referance to the adapter. I am using a inspiron 1501.

3 Apprentice


904 Posts

January 13th, 2011 06:00


There are two Layouts for the BIOS, refer to the following images.

Hope this helps.


1 Message

February 5th, 2012 15:00

I had this issue on my laptop that is only 4 months old. After doing some searching it appears the issue isn't the laptop itself, but the operating system. It appears Windows 7 is glitchy and the problem has been going on for at least a year and affects many different brands of computers. I found this website very helpful and after folliwng the steps my laptop is now quickly regaining it's charge :emotion-1:


3 Apprentice


904 Posts

February 5th, 2012 15:00

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