This post is more than 5 years old
2 Posts
September 17th, 2013 00:00
Mic not working in Inspiron 15R 5520
My dell laptop Inspiron 15R 5520 has some weird issue with its built in mic. It is not sensitive at all. I have to shout to make it catch my voice. I have tried reinstalling it from Dell website drivers also. Even I have tried setting it through Skype, Vibre, etc but no improvement is observed.
Need serious help.
Thanks in advance.
Jim Coates
4 Operator
4 Operator
13.6K Posts
September 17th, 2013 05:00
Hello. The mic hardware could be defective. Here are some diagnostic steps you could take.
1. Re-install the Conexant audio driver.
2. Configure the mic input level. Open then Recording tab of the Sound properties.
Select the microphone, then click Properties. Select the Levels tab. Raise the mic gain and the mic boost. Make sure the mic is not muted.
3. Test the mic by recording into Windows Sound Recorder. Avoid testing with Skype or other programs with complex configuration settings.
4. Test using Dell PC Diagnostics http://www.dell.com/support/Diagnostics/us/en/19/
5. Test using Microsoft audio Fixit. http://support.microsoft.com/mats/AudioPlayback/
If everything is negative then it is probably a hardware issue which is covered under your warranty.
2 Posts
September 17th, 2013 08:00
I tried these steps. The step no. 3 gives me a sort of noise only shshshshshshshshsh and a very faint voice of my own.
step no. 4, with a full diagnostics run, tells no problem at all with any thing.
step no. 5, does not detect my issue and the online support for FIxIT is gone now.
I am not sure how to present this here, but trying in the novice language that I have observed that whenever my Laptop starts, a small mic button is shown on the right side of screen but disappears after a second. it also comes back when I am on skype and put my mouth very close to mic or shout at it. then it again shows up. probably this is some indication of its sensitivity.
Second thing is. my touchpad, is also not acting well. Its scrolling is active along with other functions, but it does not perform them.
any solutions please?
8 Posts
January 4th, 2014 12:00
did you find a fix for this?
i seem to have the same problem.
mic recored volume is snubbed or very low. defective mic
1 Message
February 9th, 2014 23:00
I tried to use http://www.dell.com/support/Diagnostics/us/en/19/ but diagnostics failed, and when i use http://support.microsoft.com/mats/AudioPlayback/ , it results with "We're sorry, but your operating system is not supported by Microsoft Fix it at this time. ". i am using windows 8.1 64 bit. please help me...
Jim Coates
4 Operator
4 Operator
13.6K Posts
February 11th, 2014 05:00
If the mic failed the test then contact tech support if you are still under warranty. If the diagnostic test itself failed to run -- probably Dell is being slack about maintaining it.
If you are no longer under warranty re-install the Conexant audio driver and configure the mic properly. Right click on the mic (on the Recording tab of the Sound properties) to open the context menu. Set the mic to be the default device. Open the context menu again and click Properties. Select the "Levels" tab and set the mic boost and volume levels. Test the mic. If it still fails then probably bad hardware.
If you want to work on it yourself, go to the Inspiron 15R 5520 documents page and download the "Owner's Manual" into Adobe Reader. That document is actually the Service Manual with instructions on dismantling the laptop. Follow the instructions for replacing the camera module to the point where you can reseat the cable, then test the mic again. If it still does not work then replace the camera module.