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January 19th, 2014 16:00

Laptop Speakers not working, Headphones are working after Windows Update


Immediately after getting an update for Windows 8 yesterday, I noticed that the speakers on my laptop were not playing any sound. No music, no game sound, no videos, nothing. They are not labeled as muted, and the drivers don't seem to be out of date. I tried to update my drivers by having windows automatically search for updates, yet it stated that they were already on the most up to date version. 

This is not the same for my headphones, though. I can still listen to Skype calls and chat with people on VOIPs on different game servers. It seems to be that the laptop speakers were the only sound devices possibly affected by the update. 

Does anyone know what the problem could be and how I can solve it?

4 Operator


13.6K Posts

January 19th, 2014 16:00

Hello.I would reinstall the audio driver. Doing that will reset it to its defaults and correct for any configuration problem. If doing that does not help then it could be a hardware failure.

If you need anymore help please include the full model name of the laptop.

2 Posts

January 19th, 2014 19:00

Hello.I would reinstall the audio driver. Doing that will reset it to its defaults and correct for any configuration problem. If doing that does not help then it could be a hardware failure.

If you need anymore help please include the full model name of the laptop.


Thank you so much for all of your help. I actually just disabled the driver, enabled it, then restarted my computer. The issue was fixed upon the start up. 

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