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This post is more than 5 years old


December 3rd, 2014 10:00

laptop screen goes black on startup, does nothing, then gives 2 beeps

hello everyone, i really need help here ..

i shutdown my laptop yesterday normally and today when i tried opening it it gives me a blank black screen, and then in a minute or so it makes 2 beep sounds and that's it

i'm not really sure what the problem is, but i've been searching online for some time now and i can't figure it out

things i've tried that didn't work :

1)disconnecting battery and pressing the power button for 60 seconds

2)placing a magnet on the spot where the switching lid should be

please help ..

332 Posts

December 4th, 2014 15:00

Hi Miim,

I would advise you to connect an external monitor to the system and check if the system is booting up or not and if you are able Dell Logo on the external monitor.

Also share the system model to check the exact error on the 2 beeps and assist you further.

Let us know your findings.

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