
This post is more than 5 years old

18 Posts


November 13th, 2012 15:00

Is there a way to configure F11 and F12 to work as volume up and down, without having to use Fn key?

I think the title is pretty self explanatory.. but basically, I'm sick of having to hold the function key down on my Inspiron 17R just to turn the volume down! My ancient old sony vaio from 2005 had volume buttons above the keyboard, and my girlfriend's little mac book lets you change the volume without using a function key. Is there a way of configuring it with Dell's Quickset? Or in windows 7 itself?


3 Apprentice


934 Posts

November 13th, 2012 18:00

On my inspiron 1545 I can change access to function/multimedia keys either via Quickset or BIOS.If I do this ALL function and multimedia keys will be affected at the same time.It is not possible to change the behaviour of individual keys - at least on my system.

I googled for images of the keyboard layout of your laptop.If the picture below shows the right layout I might have a solution to your "problem"

The possible solution is:

1. to watch the video,following the instructions


2. and replace the code that is shown in the video with the following one (copy/past)


   ^Up::Send {Volume_Up}
   ^Down::Send {Volume_Down}


This code allows you to use the cursor up/down keys in combination with the CTRL key to control the volume.Since the CTRL key is located just next to up/down keys it is very easy to do it "one-handed".

This is just a suggestion - if you don't like it or it doesn't work properly you will not waste more than 15 minutes of your lifetime......

March 10th, 2014 12:00

Thanks for the post. The code has helped me.
