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This post is more than 5 years old


7 Posts


November 12th, 2007 03:00

How to copy a flash drive to a computer file?

I want to copy everything that is stored in a  jump drive over to a puter file.  # 1. How do I get at the contents that is in the flash drive?  If I need to create a file to put such do I do that?  # 2.  Also, after that, I want to delete everything in the flash   Am really weak on this stuff?  I'm using a precision M90.  Please & thanks 

3.6K Posts

November 12th, 2007 04:00

First plug in the flash drive then click start/then click computer/then right click on the flash drive and click on send to(if you made a file for this send it to that file),if not send it to desktop,then you can make a file for it or leave it as a desktop file.To delete everything right click on computer/click manage selec the the drive(or drive letter for the flash drive)and click to reformat.The format should not take too long depending on the size of the drive.
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