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This post is more than 5 years old



5 Posts


June 19th, 2008 00:00

Help with fingerprint scanner!!!!

So I just got my laptop a few days ago and I was just sitting around tonight playing with it. I was trying to set up the fingerprint scanner but I can't get a good scan! I'm not moving my finger sideways, I'm not going too fast or too slow, and I'm not "scratching" it. It just tells me it is a "bad sample" when I was doing the trials. I didn't go any farther than the trials because I do not want to record a bad fingerprint scan.


I don't know what to do and I've sat on hold on the phone for DELL for over a half hour now. Why does it keep saying I have a bad sample? Can I go ahead and record it anyway or am I going to mess up my fingerprint for good?


Please help!!!

3 Posts

June 19th, 2008 01:00

I only had my M1530 for two days, and I was as frustrated as you are at first. Now I'm completely used to it and it takes 2 tries, max, to log in.

My advice would be to watch the tutorial, and keep your finger as flat as you can. Maybe rub your finger in your hair or on your forehead first to get it a little oily (eew), it helps.

Message Edited by BigShmock on 06-18-2008 09:21 PM

38 Posts

June 19th, 2008 09:00

I found for me and i said it a few times here ...  i have to make sure my fingertip rubs against the glass just being over it doesnt do anything ..  and sometimes a little breath of warm air on your finger will help just breathe on it


once you do get it you'll have no trouble at all with it .. took me quite a few tries at first too

Message Edited by RYCK72 on 06-19-2008 05:04 AM

87 Posts

June 19th, 2008 11:00

I had my M1530 delivered to me at work and when I tried to setup my finger printer scanner

I had the same problem.


You need to have some moisture on the finger tip for it to scan properly.


Also if the scan is not long enough it wont store it.


I try to start at the first nuckle of the finger, press down, pull back at a steady pace

and keep going till I get to the finger tip.


Took me about 20 trys to get the right speed and pressure.


Now 1 scan is all I need to log on. :)

5 Posts

June 19th, 2008 11:00

Yup, yup, and yup. I have tried ALL that. And it STILL tells me it is a bad scan.




I've tried over and over last night and this morning to get a good read. I only got one once last night on my first initial set of tries. Everthing else has been bad scans.


I make sure my finger touches the glass, I've tried fast and slow swips, my finger is straight, I start at the finger knuckle, I've tried rubbing my hair, I've tried different fingers, and more.



13 Posts

June 20th, 2008 00:00

What I find works for me is to put some pressure on the reader.  Not too hard, but you want to press down with a good amount of force.  And make sure your finger goes into the groove and you slide it at a consistent pace.  It takes some practice but once you get it, you'll remember what you did, and it'll work everytime.  And please don't put moisture on your finger...if any water leaks into the system, it'll obviously ruin it...and mineral deposits from the water could dry on the reader and then it def. won't work.  Make sure your hands are nice and clean and completely dry.  Good luck!

340 Posts

June 20th, 2008 03:00

I never did get the scanner to work. I tried every finger, but I have worked many jobs that have worn my fingers down and they just do not register. In fact, in the few instances that I have been fingerprinted for jobs, they had a difficult time in getting decent prints.


I finally gave up on it.

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