
This post is more than 5 years old

1 Rookie


1 Message


December 11th, 2012 06:00


I have dell laptop D600m. I get a charger with it but the charger does not work properly means that it's can on the laptop on AC Power but does not charge the battery of the laptop. I open the charger saw the circute of the charger and found a problem in a transistor at the end the circuite which two legs are connected but the 3rd one is free. the transistor no is Dallas 2501+0447D3+170AA. I live in Pakistan, and i search in different electronics shop but not found any where. kindly if some body solve my problem that how can i replace that DS 2501 .DS 2502. DS2505 . DS 2506 transistor with some one else which is available in shop easely. I buy 2 other charger but after some time its have the same problem. Thanks. Solve my problem DS 2501 transistor not available in pakistan Thank

3 Apprentice


934 Posts

December 11th, 2012 14:00

DS2501 is NOT a transistor, it's a programmable memory device. The device is pre-programmed with power adapter specific details,like wattage,current etc.

If you bought a DS2501 you would also need a programming tool to feed the device with the necessary information......


In most cases it's not the DS2501 that failed - it is more likely that the power adapter cable that connects to the power jack or the power jack itself is broken.


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