This post is more than 5 years old
1 Rookie
9 Posts
November 30th, 2013 20:00
Dell Precision M6500 Bluetooth Card (WPAN)
I have a Precision M6500 and have been looking for a bluetooth (WPAN) card. I've looked on eBay and have searched the web but cannot find one, does anyone know where one can be purchased.
Thank you
8 Posts
October 26th, 2015 21:00
Very good! Enjoy the new card!
2 Posts
June 10th, 2016 17:00
This took me forever to figure out, but it's located directly under the LCD. You need to take off the screws on the bottom right and left side (both are under covers that are also hard to take off). Now, you can pull the frame around the LCD off. Beware, it will make lots of loud snapping noises. That's okay. Now, right under the LCD, in about the general middle, there's the tiny card (See Picture). Take the cable off first, then you can unscrew its single screw. I didn't have one in the first place myself, but I finally figured out that it's right there. After buying one off of eBay, though, my BIOS didn't even detect the module was attached (Also See Picture). So, it's not a driver problem, does anyone have any idea why this could be happening? I've tried different BIOS versions, A07, A09, and A10. None detected the module...
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