This post is more than 5 years old
1 Rookie
32 Posts
February 6th, 2011 15:00
Dell laptops with HDMI **input** ?
Are there any Dell laptops which have both HDMI outputs AND HDMI inputs? What about other manufacturers?
I want to have a portable compact solution (i.e. laptop) for testing the HDMI outputs of various types of audio and video components without having to connect them to a HDTV or to a 21" HDMI-input monitor, for example.
The HDMI input support hosted on this theoretical laptop must support at least HDMI 1.3 with full multichannel LPCM audio.
4 Operator
4 Operator
11.1K Posts
February 6th, 2011 16:00
no. and no.
1 Message
July 23rd, 2013 20:00
ieee488, are you Dell staff? If not, I'd like a definitive answer to this question from Dell staff. I have a Studio 1555 laptop, and I also would like to know whether my HDMI port will accept input as well as give output. I'm experimenting with Raspberry Pi, which has an HDMI output. I have a standalone monitor for the Pi at home, but it would be a huge boon if I could use the Pi away from home with my 1555 as a slave monitor.
The 1555 has an HDMI port, which I have used as output to connect to an HDTV. I know nothing about HDMI ports. Can they be bidirectional, acting as input as well as output? Several Forum messages say that the Inspiron One 2320 has an "HDMI-IN" port, which apparently is not bidirectional; for video output, the 2320 also has a separate, non-HDMI port. I can't find equivalent video-out/video-in information about any other Dell laptop. I've looked at Windows help and everything I can find under Dell support, and I can't find an answer.
Put plainly: can my Studio 1555 accept video input through the HDMI port and display it on the laptop monitor? If so, how do I set that up?
1 Message
April 7th, 2014 01:00
It is possible because alienware 17 and 18 laptops have and hdmi input mainly for gaming