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This post is more than 5 years old


1 Rookie


50 Posts


September 2nd, 2005 00:00

Can I use my laptop as a DVD player?

I have a C800 with a dVD player. I got an s-video adapter and hooked it up to the television, and it works; it shows the screen on the TV. But when I open the DVD player window and try to play a DVD on the TV, I get a greenish-brown window where the movie should be playing, and no video image from the DVD, except on the laptop screen. Do I need some other kind of adaptor or something?

The DVD player works fine on the the laptop screen, BTW.
Thanks, Doug

1 Rookie


50 Posts

September 2nd, 2005 02:00

I read the FAQ's on hooking the computer up to the TV, and I want to emphasize that the desktop comes up fine on the TV screen, but when I start a DVD, only the frame for the DVD program (Intervideo WinDVD) shows up, and it's dark where the video should be showing. Meanwhile the DVD is playing fine on the laptop screen.

4 Posts

September 2nd, 2005 11:00

The DVD software will only display the movie to your Primary Display.  (Not unique to TV hookups, applies to any multi-monitor configuration.)

All you need to do is change the TV to be your primary display. Open the Display properties, then the "Displays" tab, and make sure the TV is your primary display (rather than the Panel).

1 Rookie


50 Posts

September 3rd, 2005 03:00

Thanks a lot. It works great and now I don't have to buy a new DVD player.
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