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May 12th, 2017 00:00

Can I Upgrade my dedicated GPU?

Hi. I have a Dell Latitude E6430 with intel i7-3540M, 8GB RAM and Intel HD Graphics 4000 as integrated graphics.

The laptop also has an NVIDIA NVS 5200M graphic card with 1GB dedicated VRAM.

I was wondering if I'm able upgrade the Nvidia gpu? I've read that laptops with intgrated graphic cards cant be upgraded but since this laptop has a dedicated gpu (another card, I guess?) Can I upgrade the Nvidia card lets say to a 2 GB card? Also would it be convinient, I mean would it be able to handle it, temperature wise, etc.

Thanks for reading and sorry for bad english. 

9 Legend


87.5K Posts

May 12th, 2017 04:00

To upgrade to that NVS5200M, you'll need to replace:

1.  The mainboard (the GPU is not a separate component - it's soldered to the mainboard).

2.  The heatsink assembly (the one for the nVidia GPU doesn't fit the Intel board and vice-versa)

3.  If you have a 65 or 90W AC adapter, you'll need a 130-150 W unit for an i7 with the nVidia GPU.

This is somewhere over $300 just in parts alone -- it may make more sense to consider a new system rather than putting that kind of money into this one.

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