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This post is more than 5 years old



27 Posts


May 8th, 2004 02:00

5100 working surface (keyboard, touchpad, wrist rest) hotter than necessary

Have had my 5100 for a year now. After it has been on for a little while it becomes hard to use the keyboard because the surface gets really hot. I hear the fan running longer than usual. The fan vents have plenty of room to get air circulation, as the notebook sits flat on a desk. A visual inspection of the vents shows that they are clear.

I shut the 5100 down when I'm not using it for extended periods of time and every night.

I use my 5100 for work and school, so this is getting to be a drag. Glad I popped for the extended warranty!

Beyond getting an external USB keyboard (which I now wish I had) and shutting the thing down for 30 minutes every other hour, what's the solution?


Inspiron 5100
512mb RAM
32mb Video
30gb HDD

401 Posts

May 8th, 2004 22:00

call support, struggle through the language barrier and tell them its getting to hot to touch,  they'll replace it

3 Posts

May 9th, 2004 03:00

You may also want to refer to here.  I had the same problem you had, and after blowing compressed air into the vents, that fixed the problem.
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