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9 Posts


January 12th, 2022 18:00

Mouse scroll wheel works but goes in both directions

Last year I got a new Dell Inspiron, but I also still have a laptop.  Recently, my mouse has been acting very strangely.  I know that it is the mouse because I have the same problem whether I connect it to my desktop or my laptop. (There doesn't appear to be a forum for mouse problems.)  The mouse worked fine for over a year, but just started acting strange recently.

Mouse scroll wheel works but goes in both directions on screen when scrolling in one direction on mouse.  In other words, I will scroll down on the mouse, and the screen begins to scroll down for a bit, but then the screen will suddenly scroll up.  Or the opposite - the screen will scroll up when I scroll down on the mouse or scroll down on the screen when I scroll up on the  mouse.  But mostly is does both - that is, I move the mouse wheel to scroll down and the screen will scroll down the way it should, but then suddenly it starts scrolling in the opposite direction - i.e. scroll up on the screen even though I'm still scrolling down with the mouse!!!  This is most annoying, and I will soon have to get a new mouse.  But before I go to that trouble, I thought someone might have an answer.

I've tried updating the driver, but it keeps telling me that I have the most up to date driver (from 2006?).  I even went into my Dell account and manually downloaded the mouse driver, but it is still that same 2006 driver.

Has anyone ever heard of this behavior?  It's just a plain optical wired USB mouse.  It does not matter which computer it is on or which USB port it is plugged into - the same strange behavior occurs.

Also - does anyone know what the LED light bars on the mouse mean?  When I click the button it will go from 1 bar to 2, 3, and then 4.  But I have no idea what the lights mean (and it doesn't seem to impact the strange behavior).

Any help that you could give would be most appreciated.


CJ Rhoads


10 Elder


44K Posts

January 13th, 2022 12:00

Does this mouse have a model number on it?

Cleaned the lens on bottom of the mouse lately? You could use one of those pre-moistened LCD screen wipes. Avoid spraying solvents directly on/at the mouse. And squirt some canned air into the gaps around the sides of the scroll wheel on top of the mouse.

If you're a DIYer, you could take the screws out of bottom of mouse, disassemble it, clean things  inside with the canned air, and reassemble.

Sounds like it might just be old/worn and time to be replaced...

9 Posts

January 13th, 2022 13:00

Thanks for the suggestion.  I hadn't thought of using the compressed air on the wheel before, but unfortunately, it did not solve the problem. I did clean the lens bottom, but the problem wouldn't appear to have anything to do with the lens because it occurs when I scroll.  The mouse is stationary when I'm scrolling on a webpage. 

The mouse is not that old.  The model number is MOCZUL.  The manufacture date is March 2020, but I didn't start using it until 2021.

7 Technologist


12.2K Posts

January 13th, 2022 15:00

If you have the same problem on both the laptop and desktop then you can rule out drivers. It has to be a hardware error and the mouse needs to be replaced. Have you tried any other mouse on both systems?

9 Posts

January 13th, 2022 15:00

Wow - what a great review of a terrible mouse!  The review was detailed and funny, and made very apparent that I'm better off upgrading to a different mouse.

It was great to find out what the lights are for - and now that I've experimented, I see that dpi translate into speedier mouse. Who knew? 

Yes - other mice work fine on both the desktop and laptop.  So apparently even though this mouse is relatively new, it is not a very good mouse so I might as well replace it.   I'll stop wasting time trying to get it to work correctly. 

Thanks for all your help!  I can't accept as solution because the problem didn't get fixed, but Kudos to both of you for your willingness to help. Thanks!

7 Technologist


12.2K Posts

January 13th, 2022 15:00

As for the LEDs, this web page review has a description of the lights and their purpose.

10 Elder


44K Posts

January 13th, 2022 17:00

@cjrhoads -  Have you tried setting the DPI selector switch to a lower number to see if that stops the random scrolling?

Have you checked the scroll wheel settings in Windows? You might play with those settings to see if you can tame this rodent.

Otherwise, I agree - send it to the rodent burial grounds in back of some drawer, and get yourself a new one, perhaps even a wireless one...

7 Technologist


12.2K Posts

January 13th, 2022 18:00

Glad we could help. Teamwork in the forums always (usually) brings great results!

9 Posts

January 14th, 2022 06:00

Yes, I did try all four settings on the dpi and it did not impact the behavior.  Besides which, that lowest setting is painfully slow - I could never use a mouse that took that long to move across the screen.

I tried changing the scroll wheel setting numerous times - again, no impact whatsoever on this strange behavior.

I will switch to my Logitech wireless mouse (again).  I preferred to use a wired mouse on a daily basis, and only use the wireless when I'm traveling.  Wireless mice, I've found, never last very long, not to mention needing batteries that must be replaced.  My trusty wired Logitech optical mouse has been working flawlessly for about 6 years now - no problems, ever.  Obviously the same is not true for my Dell mouse. 

8 Posts

October 29th, 2022 12:00

I have Dell Mouse MS5320W combo with keyboard at home and Dell KM717 multi device mouse+keyboard combo in office. Both models have exactly same behavior and both mouse scroll in both directions. It is so painful along with the issues I faced with Dell XPS 7390 2in1 (which Dell scrapped quickly).

No troubleshooting has helped so far in Windows 11.

1 Message

December 29th, 2022 23:00

I have the same issue and it's very frustrating to try and use it when it misbehaves like this. It happens on multiple systems, so it seems like a hardware issue with the mouse. I'm assuming dust or something has gotten into the mouse and is interfering with the optical sensor for the scroll wheel. There doesn't seem to be an easy way to take it apart to clean it. Blowing air into it hasn't helped either.

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