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June 8th, 2020 10:00

Inspiron 660 HDD removal issues

Hi everyone. I recently purchased a new computer and was hoping to remove my HDD from my current PC, which uses an Inspiron 660  case. I removed the front panel as well as both screws securing the rails from the open side panel perspective, and I even removed the screw on the left rail. I have been struggling to remove the HDD even after all of that and I'm not sure what else to do or what I may have missed. 

9 Legend


47K Posts

June 8th, 2020 11:00

It can seem as though they are welded in.

What you need to do is remove the Screws on the bay and take pliers and bend the tabs in slightly and the drive will slide out.

Its a super tight fit.  What you do is get a pair of pliers and squeeze the ears of the rails inward and it will slide out like nothing was ever wrong. (I am assuming you removed BOTH screws BEFORE trying to bend the ears) Using both hands and standing on the case and pulling wont get it out.  I considered smashing the drive with a sledge but decided against that.

bend in both sides then pull with pliersbend in both sides then pull with pliers

9 Legend


47K Posts

June 8th, 2020 12:00

both have to come out

front cover comes off 4 tabs hold it on.

the rails have pins removing screws will not release them


front bezelfront bezel


Both screws must be removed

2 screws must come out2 screws must come out



Bend in and slide outBend in and slide out



3 Posts

June 8th, 2020 12:00

@speedstep Ok I tried what you did with both top screws removed as well. The drive still won't slide out. I have the screw on the left rail removed but I can't get the screw on the right one as the front metal panel is blocking it. Is there a degree as to how much I need to bend the ears of the rails inwards?

9 Legend


47K Posts

June 8th, 2020 13:00

When I was angry I threatened to use my acetyline torch to cut it out but my father stopped me.

Its in there very tight and the pins make removing side screws meaningless.


3 Posts

June 8th, 2020 13:00

Ok thanks so much for your help, I got the HDD out!

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