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1 Rookie


19 Posts


December 28th, 2020 10:00

Dell G5 5090 Motherboard Power Cable Pinout - Upgrade Help!


I have hopefully, a meaningful update. I have been trying to figure out a way to upgrade the PSU on the Dell G5 and I hit a brick wall when I realized the motherboard uses a proprietary 6-pin connector to the PSU. 

This makes it incredibly difficult to upgrade it, which would allow anyone that owns it a chance to upgrade their CPU, GPU, etc. 

After weeks of talking to Dell I was finally able to get some technical help from their product team, and one of them was kind enough to provide me the Pinout of the G5 5090's motherboard power cable. 

Pin # Signal Name Wire Color
1 PS_ON Blue
2 COM Black
3 COM Black
4 PSID Gray
5 +12VBDC Purple
6 +12VBDC Purple

This is huge because it would mean we actually have a chance of upgrading the PSU. One thing I would need help with is figuring out whether or not this Pinout would work with an older standard ATX PSU 24-pin to 6-pin Dell cable originally intended for the Optiplex. 


Both have a 6-pin motherboard connector, and if the Pinout is the same, we could upgrade the PSU inside the case which solves a huge problem. I also asked them if the CPU 4-pin connectors were standard atx, still waiting for a response on that. If that is as well, It should be possible to install a small form factor PSU into the case just fine. 



1 Rookie


19 Posts

December 28th, 2020 12:00


Yes I actually have looked at both. Neither are viable solutions as the first one is an 8-pin connector, not a 6-pin as needed. The second one is made for HP, not Dell, so it won't be compatible at all. 

9 Legend


12.3K Posts

December 28th, 2020 12:00

Just out of curiosity have you looked into either this solution or this one. I am not sure if it is compatible with your system but has in the past helped out other users.

10 Elder


44.5K Posts

December 28th, 2020 18:00

@AdiMann  - But even knowing those pin-outs, are you going to find a higher wattage PSU that actually fits inside the G5 5090 case? It's a custom size PSU and I doubt you can use any off-the-shelf PSU unless you're willing to  install it outside the case...

The G5 5090 supports various 9th and 10th Gen CPUs, depending on which CPU socket and chipset it has, so you shouldn't have major issues upgrading the CPU now, except possibly needing better cooling, eg, better heat sink and bigger fan(s) for overclocked ("K" CPUs) and i9 CPUs.

Lots of threads about upgrading the heat sink and fans in the G5 5090, so search for them.

1 Rookie


19 Posts

December 29th, 2020 16:00

Hello @RoHe 


Thank you for your suggestion! I actually already have had a look at the threads on cooling solutions, they are quiet extensive. That said, my primary objective is upgrading the GPU, I'm perfectly happy with a Non K 65W CPU for my build as I do not intend to overclock. 

I opened up my case and jotted down a dimensions in an earlier thread I created. A small form factor PSU would actually fit inside this case just fine, albeit a bit snugly. The one in particular I mentioned on my other thread was the Corsair SF750. 

It comes with an ATX adapter bracket which would be useful to make the correct sized cut-out with some case-modding if needed. 


The biggest hurdle was overcoming the proprietary hardware inside. I bought this originally thinking it was "easily upgradeable" as advertised heavily by Dell. Since then, I've done a lot more research about desktops and am trying to figure this out. If I'd known better then, I'd probably have bought an Alienware or built by own. 

10 Elder


44.5K Posts

December 29th, 2020 17:00

I don't know what voltages are supplied by each "rail" from the existing PSU and you'd probably have to know that and the voltages supplied by that other PSU as well.  You don't want to fry your motherboard...

Since this motherboard uses one of Dell's customized power connector cables, will you be able to connect it to a different PSU or will you need to a DIY cable to work with that other PSU. Or will one of those @JOcean linked work?

Which PSU do you have now, 360W, 460W or 500W?  What GPU do you have now and which one do you want? What's the recommended PSU size for the new GPU?


1 Rookie


19 Posts

December 29th, 2020 20:00



Hey! So I actually did look into this one about a month ago and contacted Comeap directly. I spoke with one of their representatives and unfortunately they told me this was not compatible with the Dell G5. 

9 Legend


12.3K Posts

December 29th, 2020 20:00

OK, then maybe this one as it does specify Dell...Also this forum post may help as it has a lot of information about the pin wiring etc.

1 Rookie


19 Posts

December 29th, 2020 20:00

Hey @RoHe 

The PSU isn't the best, from my understanding each of the two 12V Rails supplies 18A (at least that's what it says on the PSU). I currently have the 460W unit at home. Any 3rd Party PSU will not work without an adapter, as Dell's uses a proprietary 6-pin connector. I believe any standard ATX PSU has a 24-pin connector.


I'm currently speaking with Dell to see if the one below might work...but their customer service isn't the most technologically inclined, so to speak, so it may take a while to get an actual answer. , is the closest match to the G5's connector. 


Neither of the ones @JOcean lined will work, unfortunately. One is a 24 pin to 8 pin, the second one is made for an HP Motherboard. Both of which, would most assuredly result in an outcome of me hosting a festive barbeque on my motherboard.

I currently have a GTX1650 and would like to upgrade it to an RTX 3060/3060 Ti. Recommended wattage is 550W on Nvidia's site. In terms of max power draw, I'd actually sit around 380-395W with an i5-9400 and RTX 3060 Ti, but imo not worth the risk. If a PSU upgrade is not possible, I would wait for a card that's around 150-180W range so I could upgrade with the existing system safely.  

9 Legend


12.3K Posts

December 30th, 2020 09:00

Well, I gave it the old college try. Sorry I did not have more information.

10 Elder


44.5K Posts

December 30th, 2020 10:00

@AdiMann  - NOT at all trying to discourage you, but I suspect if a reasonable path to upgrading the PSU in the G5 5090 was doable, it would have been figured out by now, given all the threads (and rants!) about the topic on this forum and elsewhere.

And if you do figure it out, you'll be a hero to lots of G5 5090 users...

1 Rookie


19 Posts

January 1st, 2021 08:00

Oh absolutely. It's been a great pain even attempting to figure this one out. I'll keep at it for now and hopefully see where that leads. Wish I'd known half as much about computers as I do now when I had first bought it though LOL. At least some good came of it. Whether it works or not I got to learn a few things.  

10 Elder


44.5K Posts

January 1st, 2021 13:00

@AdiMann - Learning is good...

And keep coming back to the forum. Maybe somebody will beat you to finding a solution to upgrading this PSU.

9 Legend


12K Posts

January 2nd, 2021 19:00

If someone figures out XPS8940 psu pinout, it appears to be applicable to G5 too.  One vendor is advertising 500W 8940 psu for G5.

9 Legend


12K Posts

January 8th, 2021 03:00

User @AdiMann report of G5 6 pin translated here (appears to be mini prototype version of future ATX12VO)

1 PS_ON Blue.     4 PWR_OK Gray
2 COM Black.       5 +12VBDC Purple
3 COM Black.       6 +12VBDC Purple



9 Legend


12K Posts

January 8th, 2021 04:00

Re: Optiplex 7060, 7050 6 pin ATX.  flip the connector in pic to face you for pinout.  It is the same as the user reported G5 6 pin.  One can presumably use moddiy adapter for G5.


Pin 1. Green : 5v/PS_ON (green)

Pin 2/3 Black/Black : Ground (black)

Pin 4. Gray : 5v/PWR_OK (gray)

Pin 5/6 White/White : 12v (yellow)


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