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October 6th, 2021 01:00

Copy a file after imaging

I would like to copy a file from the build USB after the restore is complete.

I think I should use the after_restore.cmd file but cannot find hte correct commnad to acheive it.


Does anyone know what the commands are that can be used?

How would I specify the file location on the USB and how would I specify the target drive?



305 Posts

October 6th, 2021 13:00


The DIA restore environment configures the drive partition letters as follows:

  • Windows Partition = O
  • DIA USB FAT32 (WinPE) = U
  • DIA USB NTFS (Data) = V

If you create an auto_restore.cmd and place it in the "Dell_Tools" folder on the FAT32 partition of the DIA USB, it will be processed after the restore completes.

To copy a file from the DIA USB to a folder named temp on the root of the Windows partition after the restore, you could have "test.txt" on the V: parition and auto_restore.cmd with the following:

copy v:\test.txt o:\temp

Hope this helps!


2 Posts

October 11th, 2021 05:00

Thanks for the info @DELL-Tyler M 

The settings above perfectly

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