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November 8th, 2007 09:00

z/OS 1.9 changes to TRSMAIN (Terse) pgm

The following is a copy of EMC Knowledgebase entry EMC171461, courtesy of Bruce Opachinski. It is posted here for M/F user benefit...

Starting with z/OS 1.9, TRSMAIN becomes officially supported and is now AMATERSE. It is documented in Chapter 17 of z/OS V1R9.0 MVS Diagnosis: Tools and Service Aids


Sequential data sets are supported.

VSAM data sets and direct (DSORG=DA) data sets are not supported.

Partitioned data sets are supported, but only by MVS AMATERSE.

A PDS compressed by AMATERSE on MVS and sent to VM cannot be restored by AMATERSE. This results in a 1007 or 1009 return code from VM TERSE. A PDS must be compressed to a Direct Access Storage Device (DASD).

PDSE data sets are not supported.

Files restored by AMATERSE with LRECL of more than 32K cannot be handled except that RECFM=VBS data sets are allowed to be up to 64K LRECL.

Large format (DSNTYPE=LARGE) data sets may require the use of AMATERSE both for compression and restoration.

A data set with the FB record format can be packed and unpacked to a FBS data set. However, during the UNPACK operation, extending a non-empty output data set with DISP=MOD is not possible because this results in a FB data set. An error message is issued for this.

The data set compressed by AMATERSE (produced by PACK or SPACK) must be of fixed or fixed-blocked record format (RECFM) with a record length (LRECL) of 1024 and any legal block size (BLKSIZE). These values do not have to be specified explicitly on the DD statement.

The data set restored by AMATERSE (produced by UNPACK) must match the original RECFM and LRECL. Leave the DCB information off the DD statement for AMATERSE program to set it up. If it unpacks to an already existing data set then the DCB parameters are checked for compatibility. RECFM must be the same in all cases except for Variable to Undefined and Undefined to Variable. If you specify the DCB parameters to force data that was originally variable (V) format into undefined (U) format, or vice versa, a warning message is written and the operation is performed.

When AMATERSE ends, one of the following return codes is placed in general purpose register 15:

Code Meaning 0 Successful completion.

4 Error in file operation.

8 Error in file operation.

10 Unsupported data set format.

12 Operation cannot be performed with the specified data set.

16 Invalid input specified.

20 Invalid input specified.

24 Severe error in file operation.

28 Severe error occurred during file open.

32 Invalid device.

36 Buffer storage obtain failure.

64 Severe error. Abend with 1111.

99 System or user abend occurred.

If you ever get sent a tersed PDS, TRSMAIN uses a temp dsn to unpack it. TRSMAIN can run out of space in the temp. If it does the DD

//TMPSPACE DD can be used to override the default temporary space allocation. Note: this is not documented anywhere (not even the 1.9 manual).


//jobname JOB ...

//stepname EXEC PGM=AMATERSE,PARM=aaaaa



//SYSUT2 DD DISP=ccc,DCB=ddd,,

// SPACE=space_parameters

If you have previously used the TRSMAIN program to invoke AMATERSE, you can continue using it along with the old ddnames. However, if you choose to use AMATERSE instead of TRSMAIN, be aware that the ddnames are changed: SYSUT1 replaces INFILE and SYSUT2 replaces OUTFILE.

Replace aaaaa in the sample with one of the following values:

Dave Yates
M/F forum Mod.
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