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This post is more than 5 years old


May 17th, 2011 05:00

Delegated space replication problem between equallogic SAN boxes


I have 3 dell equallogic ps6500 SAN boxes with 36 TB capacity.  Those are named as Storage1, Storage2 & Storage3.  I have created 2 replication partners on each storage box.  synchronizing the delegated space between from storage1 to storage2,  from storage1 to  storage3 is happening properly, but I have a problem between storage2 & storage3.  find the following details.

Storage1 --  delegated space -- 7 TB for storage2  --  replication is fine

                       delegated space ---  2 TB for storage3 -  replication is fine

Storage2  --- delegated space  -- 5 TB for storage1 -  replication is fine

                         delegated space -  1 TB for storage3 -  replication is not happening

storage3  - ---  delegated space -  10 TB for storage1 -  replication is fine

                        delegated space- 5 TB for storage 2 -  replication is not happening

All SAN boxes are on same network & I had given correct password for partner & obtained from partner. 

Kindly help me on this.  Thanks in Advance.





7 Technologist


729 Posts

May 17th, 2011 06:00


Hi, it's Joe with Dell EqualLogic.  Is there any messages in the Event Log?.  Also, ensure that you can ping each interface from Storage2 to Storage3 and visa-versa (include all eth ports and group IP)

HOWTO: Ping from the PS array using a specific ETH port interface 
ping "-I "

The sourceIP is the IP address of a specific array ETH port. This is done from a group prompt after Telnet/SSH logging into the array. The quotes are needed from the group prompt.


Here is an example going from one network '10.1' to another '10.3' which might be the case if you are checking the connectivity for replication:

groupname>ping " -I"

Another example would be a local test. In this case, we're just staying on the same subnet.

groupname>ping " -I"

Note: the above is a Capital eye "I"

ping without -I will probably just use eth0




13 Posts

May 17th, 2011 07:00

Hi Joe,

Thanks for your reply. There is no message in Event Log.

 I have reconfigured replication partners between storage2 & storage3. It has created successfully but the problem is same.  I tried to ping from storage2 to storage3 and visa-versa through SSH client, there is no network issue...........

Find the following firmware version of my storage boxes.

Storage Array Firmware version -  Storage1 - v5.0.5,  Storage2 - v4.1.6, & storage3 - v4.3.2.

All these 3 SAN boxes are on same network--  192.168.100.x

Thanks & Regards


13 Posts

May 17th, 2011 08:00

Hi Joe,

Thank you so much for your reply.  I will take necessary action to upgrade the firmware & I will post you update once it will be done.

Thanks & Regards


7 Technologist


729 Posts

May 17th, 2011 08:00


The problem looks like the firmware versions, 5.0 cannot replicate to v4.1.x.  The array will not function as expected with mixed version of firmware.   In the Firmware release notes, is a chart of which versions are compatible with each other.  The release notes for v5.0.5 is located here: (login required).

I recommend that you update all three partners to the latest version of the firmware (v5.0.5).  At the minimum you need to update both Storage2 and Storage 3 to v4.3.8.

Here is a sample of the release notes:



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