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December 4th, 2012 17:00

What to do after CIFS share outage ?

Hi All,

Before I take down my CIFS share due to the FLARE code upgrade, what is the best way to do before and after ?

this is the CIFS share on my VNX-5300, the CIFS share is used by Windows Server 2008 as file server / storage mapped by UNC path.

1 Rookie


20.4K Posts

December 4th, 2012 21:00

since your server uses UNC path to talk to VNX there is nothing you need to do on the server side, just make sure nobody is trying to use it during that time.

1 Rookie


20.4K Posts

December 4th, 2012 19:00

just be prepared that the share will not be available for 2 to 7 minutes

164 Posts

December 4th, 2012 20:00

Do I have to unmount or mount something from the Control Station end or from the Windows Server end to prevent data loss ?

164 Posts

December 4th, 2012 21:00

Thanks for the clarification Dynamox,

So in this case if it is mapped using the drive letter, then I will need to remount it again, but not with UNC path as it is safe / transparent to the user.

1 Rookie


20.4K Posts

December 5th, 2012 03:00

with drive letter it will stay mapped, it might turn gray with a little red X but as soon as you double click on it, it will automatically reconnect.

164 Posts

December 5th, 2012 15:00

cool, thanks man !

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