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1 Rookie


77 Posts


March 10th, 2024 10:23

Networker SQL database restore size


suppose I've backed up a SQL db with a full backup of 100GB.

I restored successfully this database with networker sql integration module and on SQL server management studio logs I can read successfully restored x pages. If I multiply this x value with 8K ( size of each page ) I roughly have the db size.

On networker restore log for this database I can see "Processed x pages for database '<DBNAME>'". 

This entry is repeated only one time, but if I multiply x with 8k I don't have the size of the database as I expect. The page number does not correspond to the restored pages number logged by sql server.

Which can be the reason why I have not the right restored database size? The networker SQL module does not "uses" 8k pages??

By the way, the restore was successful.

I'm a little bit confused. Could someone clarify this behaviour please?

Thanks in advance, 


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