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January 14th, 2013 03:00

Getting Blank page on accessing D2-Config

We are deploying D2 4.0 Environment.  Installed the DARs on Conent Server 6.7 SP1 and D2, D2-Config,D2-Client and D2FS WARs on Tomcat 7.0. Have followed all the steps as per the installation guide. But after hitting link for D2-Config, we are getting a blank page.  Screen shot about the same is attached. Requesting for any kind suggetion !

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5 Posts

January 30th, 2013 22:00

Resolved this issue by copying all the jars available at DFS-SDK folder to the WEB-INF/lib folder of D2-Config and D2-Client. We also copied DCTMUtil.jar from the Content Server to the WEB-INF/lib folder of D2-Config and D2-Client.

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