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October 31st, 2022 06:00

SockShop, a reference application architecture for various Kubernetes use-cases

SockShop, a reference application architecture for various Kubernetes use-cases

This article is part of the EKS Anywhere series EKS Anywhere., extending the Hybrid cloud momentum

Sock shop is a polyglot architectural pattern developed by weaveworks to demonstrate a microservices based deployment. There are a number of technologies that are implemented (SpringBoot, Go, REDIS, MYSQL, MongoDB, etc.). We will be using this application set to demonstrate various use cases on top of EKS Anywhere. Let’s observe sock-shop a little more to understand the architectural pattern.



Specific changes have been performed to the original templates created by weaveworks

  • All data services are persistent in nature
  • They are persisted over Dell’s PowerStore Array CSI
  • Frontend application is rendered via an SSL Ingress resource supported by NGINX Ingress controller
  • MetalLB serves as the Load Balancer

The deployment script and the entire set of YAML resources are included as a part of my EKS Anywhere GitHub repository and can be located here

Let’s begin to deploy this use-case by creating a fresh EKS Anywhere standalone workload cluster

SSH into the EKS Anywhere administrative machine and create a new cluster


CLUSTER_NAME=c4-eksa1API_SERVER_IP= $HOMEcp $HOME/eks-anywhere/cluster-samples/cluster-sample.yaml $CLUSTER_NAME-eks-a-cluster.yamlsed -i "s/workload-cluster-name/$CLUSTER_NAME/g" $HOME/$CLUSTER_NAME-eks-a-cluster.yamlsed -i "s/management-cluster-name/$CLUSTER_NAME/g" $HOME/$CLUSTER_NAME-eks-a-cluster.yamlsed -i "s/api-server-ip/$API_SERVER_IP/g" $HOME/$CLUSTER_NAME-eks-a-cluster.yamleksctl anywhere create cluster -f $HOME/$CLUSTER_NAME-eks-a-cluster.yaml


Next, we will deploy the PowerStore CSI drivers along with ISCSI support on the cluster


cd $HOMEsource eks-anywhere/powerstore/install-powerstore-csi-driver.shEnter Cluster Name on which CSI driver needs to be installedclusterName: c4-eksa1Enter IP or FQDN of the PowerStore arrayipOrFqdnOfPowerStoreArray: Global Id of the PowerStore ArrayglobalIdOfPowerStoreArray: PS4ebb8d4e8488Enter username of the PowerStore ArrayuserNameOfPowerStoreArray: iacEnter password of the PowerStore ArraypasswordOfPowerStoreArray: xxxxxxxxxxx------------------------------------------------------> Installing CSI Driver: csi-powerstore on 1.21------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> Checking to see if CSI Driver is already installed------------------------------------------------------Skipping verification at user request||- Installing Driver                                                Success|--> Waiting for Deployment powerstore-controller to be ready     Success|--> Waiting for DaemonSet powerstore-node to be ready            Success------------------------------------------------------> Operation created


Next, we will create the MetalLB Load Balancer to expose our sock-shop Front-end service via the NGINX Ingress.


helm upgrade --install --wait --timeout 15m   --namespace metallb-system --create-namespace   --repo metallb metallbRelease "metallb" does not exist. Installing it now.W0711 06:55:51.507363   23991 warnings.go:70] policy/v1beta1 PodSecurityPolicy is deprecated in v1.21+, unavailable in v1.25+W0711 06:55:51.510195   23991 warnings.go:70] policy/v1beta1 PodSecurityPolicy is deprecated in v1.21+, unavailable in v1.25+W0711 06:55:51.606228   23991 warnings.go:70] policy/v1beta1 PodSecurityPolicy is deprecated in v1.21+, unavailable in v1.25+W0711 06:55:51.607914   23991 warnings.go:70] policy/v1beta1 PodSecurityPolicy is deprecated in v1.21+, unavailable in v1.25+NAME: metallbNAMESPACE: metallb-systemSTATUS: deployedREVISION: 1TEST SUITE: NoneNOTES:MetalLB is now running in the cluster.Next we will use the Custom Resources to create the IP address pools for MetalLB and advertise themcat <


So as of this state, our EKS Anywhere cluster is ready to deploy the required resources (NGINX Ingress controller, Sock-shop related resources)

Let's create the sock-shop application by running the deployment script


ubuntu@eksa-admin:~/eks-anywhere/sock-shop$ source fqdnOfSockShopFrontEnd: Generating a RSA private key......................+++++ writing new private key to 'tls.key' namespace/ingress-nginx created serviceaccount/ingress-nginx created serviceaccount/ingress-nginx-admission created created created created created created created created created configmap/ingress-nginx-controller created service/ingress-nginx-controller created service/ingress-nginx-controller-admission created deployment.apps/ingress-nginx-controller created job.batch/ingress-nginx-admission-create created job.batch/ingress-nginx-admission-patch created created created namespace/sock-shop created secret/sockshop-tls created persistentvolumeclaim/session-db created deployment.apps/session-db created service/session-db created persistentvolumeclaim/carts-db created deployment.apps/carts-db created service/carts-db created deployment.apps/carts created service/carts created persistentvolumeclaim/catalogue-db created deployment.apps/catalogue-db created service/catalogue-db created deployment.apps/catalogue created service/catalogue created deployment.apps/front-end created service/front-end created persistentvolumeclaim/orders-db created deployment.apps/orders-db created service/orders-db created deployment.apps/orders created service/orders created deployment.apps/payment created service/payment created deployment.apps/queue-master created service/queue-master created persistentvolumeclaim/rabbitmq created deployment.apps/rabbitmq created service/rabbitmq created deployment.apps/shipping created service/shipping created persistentvolumeclaim/user-db created deployment.apps/user-db created service/user-db created deployment.apps/user created service/user created created


All the required resources are created, let’s verify the pods, services and persistent volumes


PODS ubuntu@eksa-admin:~$ kubectl get pods -n sock-shop NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE carts-5f8b647fb-46hvr 1/1 Running 0 2m25s carts-db-8674749f79-vghnv 1/1 Running 0 2m29s catalogue-66f4c8b475-4xs6r 1/1 Running 0 2m25s catalogue-db-c85647c59-dcphd 1/1 Running 0 2m27s front-end-d7f4db57d-sr6cw 1/1 Running 0 2m25s orders-65f58594cc-bfh9m 1/1 Running 0 2m25s orders-db-6b5445d847-c6fll 1/1 Running 0 2m26s payment-7f9f778df7-ztkfr 1/1 Running 0 2m27s queue-master-5f47d5c85d-tnm72 1/1 Running 0 2m25s rabbitmq-58d7978598-ffdp2 1/1 Running 0 2m29s session-db-7fbcfd88df-cp2n8 1/1 Running 0 2m25s shipping-6c4b7df76c-g7d84 1/1 Running 0 2m25s user-db-8465fbc8b7-twn2m 1/1 Running 0 2m27s user-f658c5cf4-nt969 1/1 Running 0 2m30s SERVICES ubuntu@eksa-admin:~$ kubectl get svc -n sock-shop NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE carts ClusterIP 80/TCP 2m59s carts-db ClusterIP 27017/TCP 2m59s catalogue ClusterIP 80/TCP 2m59s catalogue-db ClusterIP 3306/TCP 2m59s front-end ClusterIP 80/TCP 2m59s orders ClusterIP 80/TCP 2m59s orders-db ClusterIP 27017/TCP 2m59s payment ClusterIP 80/TCP 2m59s queue-master ClusterIP 80/TCP 2m59s rabbitmq ClusterIP 5672/TCP 2m59s session-db ClusterIP 6379/TCP 2m59s shipping ClusterIP 80/TCP 2m59s user ClusterIP 80/TCP 2m59s user-db ClusterIP 27017/TCP 2m59s PERSISTENT VOLUMES OVER POWERSTORE ubuntu@eksa-admin:~$ kubectl get pvc -n sock-shop NAME STATUS VOLUME CAPACITY ACCESS MODES STORAGECLASS AGE carts-db Bound c4-eksa1-vol-8e773b5651 8Gi RWO powerstore-ext4 4m24s catalogue-db Bound c4-eksa1-vol-ac86908b5f 8Gi RWO powerstore-ext4 4m24s orders-db Bound c4-eksa1-vol-7dd2ce8407 8Gi RWO powerstore-ext4 4m24s rabbitmq Bound c4-eksa1-vol-e8a41caff8 8Gi RWO powerstore-ext4 4m24s session-db Bound c4-eksa1-vol-f7d2e11fbb 8Gi RWO powerstore-ext4 4m24s user-db Bound c4-eksa1-vol-ca6462d1ab 8Gi RWO powerstore-ext4 4m24s INGRESS RESOURCE ubuntu@eksa-admin:~$ kubectl get ingress -n sock-shop NAME CLASS HOSTS ADDRESS PORTS AGE ingress-sockshop nginx 80, 443 5m2s 


As we can see from the above output, our ingress resource for the hostname has been provided an IP address of I have created a DNS entry for this host and IP mapping to access the sock-shop application.

Let’s also verify the persistent volumes in our PowerStore web console


We can see a total of 6 volumes also listed in our PowerStore console starting with the prefix c4-eksa1. Next, we will observe the support for volume expansion support in Dell PowerStore CSI using External-resizer controller. Imagine a business scenario, wherein a big day sale expects a greater than usual number of users indicating more number of concurrent user sessions. To build on this scenario, let’s edit one of the persistent volumes associated with our sock-shop data service named session-db


KUBE_EDITOR="nano" kubectl edit pvc session-db -n sock-shop


It will open up the nano editor and we can change the size of the persistent volume from a current value of 8GB to a new value of 10GB



kubectl describe pvc session-db -n sock-shop Snippet of the output log for the events indicates the resizing Normal Resizing 75s external-resizer External resizer is resizing volume c4-eksa1-vol-f7d2e11fbb Normal FileSystemResizeSuccessful 7m52s kubelet MountVolume.NodeExpandVolume succeeded for volume "c4-eksa1-vol-f7d2e11fbb" kubectl get pvc session-db -n sock-shop NAME STATUS VOLUME CAPACITY ACCESS MODES STORAGECLASS AGE session-db Bound c4-eksa1-vol-f7d2e11fbb 10Gi RWO powerstore-ext4 8m4s


We can verify the same in the PowerStore web console. The session-db pvc now is seen at 10GB.


Next., lets scale our front-end deployment replicas from a current value of 1 to new value of 3.


KUBE_EDITOR="nano" kubectl edit deployment front-end -n sock-shop




kubectl get pods -n sock-shop --selector=name=front-end NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE front-end-d7f4db57d-fzl5b 1/1 Running 0 2m59s front-end-d7f4db57d-ntdf4 1/1 Running 0 2m59s front-end-d7f4db57d-sr6cw 1/1 Running 0 10m37s


Next, let’s understand and validate the sock-shop application workflow at a high level


Let’s register a new user invoking user microservice and user-db


Once registration is successfully completed, we can click on catalogue tab invoking the catalogue microservice and catalogue-db


We select a particular item in the catalog to view further details and add it to the cart invoking the carts microservice and carts-db. In parallel, the order service is also invoked to calculate the total price along with additional costs.



Before proceeding to place the order, we will need to update our address and credit card information invoking the user microservice and user-db



Finally, upon checkout the order microservice, orders-db, queue-processor along with shipping microservice get invoked to place and display the ordered item.


Now for an obvious yet important check, i.e., persistence of data services. Let’s delete the pod for the orders-db and upon recreation, we will browse and verify if the above order-id still persists.


kubectl delete pod orders-db-6b5445d847-c6fll -n sock-shop pod "orders-db-6b5445d847-c6fll" deleted


We can see a new pod has been recreated and the persistent volume has been re-attached.


kubectl get pods -n sock-shop --selector=name=orders-db NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE orders-db-6b5445d847-m6k8l 1/1 Running 0 50s kubectl describe pod orders-db-6b5445d847-m6k8l -n sock-shop Events: Type Reason Age From Message Normal SuccessfulAttachVolume 2m18s attachdetach-controller AttachVolume.Attach succeeded for volume "c4-eksa1-vol-7dd2ce8407" 


Upon re-login into the account that was created, I can still see my order ID exists in the account. This indicates the persistence of orders-db


That brings us to an end of this article highlighting this simple but powerful use case demonstrating viability of deploying cloud native applications with ease on EKS Anywhere.


Ambar Hassani


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