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June 28th, 2023 19:00

Multicloud Object Storage as a Service

Multicloud Object Storage as a Service

As the use of cloud computing continues to grow, more and more organizations are adopting a multicloud strategy. This means that they are using multiple cloud providers, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. This can be a great way to get the best of both worlds, but it also comes with its own challenges


 One of the biggest challenges of multicloud is managing complexity. With multiple cloud providers, there are multiple sets of APIs, policies, and security controls to manage. This can make it difficult to keep track of everything and ensure that everything is configured correctly.

Another challenge of multicloud is cost. Each cloud provider has its own pricing model, and it can be difficult to decide what is the most suitable location for a particular workload. This can lead to unexpected expenses at best and massive cost overruns at worst.

Finally, multicloud can also make it difficult to ensure compliance. With data spread across multiple clouds, it can be difficult to keep track of where data is located and how it is being used. This can make it difficult to comply with regulations such as GDPR and CCPA.

This video provides an example of how to solve these challenges. This is the second video in a series of multicloud videos. You can read about the previous Kubernetes as a Service video in this article and you can watch the video in YouTube


 The solution proposed in the video addresses the challenges of multicloud by providing a single pane of glass for managing storage across multiple clouds. The solution uses ServiceNow and Redhat Ansible Automation Platform (AAP) to automate the provisioning and management of storage resources.

ServiceNow provides a self-service catalog for end-users, so they can request storage resources without having to go through IT. AAP is used to automate the provisioning of storage resources in private and public clouds. This automation helps to reduce complexity and improve efficiency.

The solution also leverages S3 object storage offerings available in public cloud. In private cloud the solution uses Dell Technologies Elastic Cloud Storage (ECS). Dell ECS is typically more cost effective and provides better service levels than public cloud offerings. This gives customers the flexibility to use the best cloud provider for their needs.


The solution proposed in the video offers a number of benefits to customers, including:

  • Unified end-user experience from a single pane of glass
  • Unified governance regardless of where resources are provisioned
  • Unified operations management by using the resources everywhere for day 1 and day 2 tasks

Stay tuned for the next video in this series




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