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October 19th, 2022 06:00

Cloud native app development using Dell XPS 13 Plus Developer Edition and MicroK8s

Cloud native app development using Dell XPS 13 Plus Developer Edition and 



The Dell XPS 13 Plus Developer laptop is an ideal machine to use for local cloud-native app development with Kubernetes and I’m going to show you how to get started.

Using MicroK8s is ideal for this use case, it’s a project from Canonical to enable lightweight single or multi-node Kubernetes environments. The XPS 13 Plus Developer Edition is a powerful laptop and if you want to know more about the specs please check out my colleague Barton George's blog for the details. Let’s explore why Dell XPS 13 Plus Developer Edition with MicroK8s is a great fit for cloud native development.

  • The XPS 13 Developer edition comes with Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Linux.
  • It comes preloaded with development toolchains like Python, PHP, Ruby, Go, Rust and more.
  • Native support for snapd and the snap store.
  • Easily install cloud native developer tooling such as Canonicals’ MicroK8s and Docker via snap.
  • Native options for lightweight virtualization with LXD and multipass.
  • MicroK8s closely follows upstream Kubernetes releases with snap channels.

Get Started

If you’re not familiar with MicroK8s, that’s ok. MicroK8s is a lightweight, secure version of Kubernetes than can easily run on an array of devices from developer workstations to production. In this case, we’ll be using our XPS 13 Plus Developer laptop to run small single and multi-node Kubernetes clusters for local offline development and testing. In my opinion this is a great way to perform local proof of concepts and quickly test code changes before pushing it to a proper CI/CD environment with full-fledged Kubernetes infrastructure. Let’s dive in.

Ubuntu 22.04 LTS comes with support for [snapd] which makes the installation of microk8s simple.

Open a terminal and run the following command to install MicroK8s using Kubernetes 1.25 channel. If you need an earlier release, update “1.25” to the Kubernetes version you need.


dell@dell-XPS-9320:~$  sudo snap install microk8s --classic --channel=1.25


Then make sure to set the user and associate it with the Microk8s group.


dell@dell-XPS-9320:~$  USER=delldell@dell-XPS-9320:~$  sudo usermod -a -G microk8s $USERdell@dell-XPS-9320:~$  sudo chown -f -R $USER ~/.kube


You will also need to re-enter the session for the group update to take place.


dell@dell-XPS-9320:~$  su - $USER


Now you should be ready to run microk8s. Some output from this commend is removed because of the verbosity, so its okay if you see more information describing what add-ons are enabled or not.


dell@dell-XPS-9320:~$  microk8s status --wait-readymicrok8s is running


That’s it, you now have a single node Kubernetes cluster to use. Run these commands to view your single node Kubernetes environment.


dell@dell-XPS-9320:~$ microk8s kubectl get nodesNAME 		 STATUS ROLES AGE VERSIONdell-xps-9320 Ready11m v1.25.2


Running a single node is great for some basic testing against Kubernetes APIs or maybe running a small application. However, this doesn’t represent a full cluster and sometimes you may want to run a cluster of nodes for testing multi-node applications such as a NodeJS web application using a multi-node Redis Sentinel cluster as we will use four our example.

If you ran microk8s start on your XPS machine directly, let’s stop and cleanup that single node.


dell@dell-XPS-9320:~$ microk8s stop


To enable multiple nodes, we need some virtualization. Ubuntu offers both LXD and multipass as ways in which we can enable multiple virtual Microk8s nodes on a single machine. For this example, we’re going to use multipass. First install multipass using snap.


dell@dell-XPS-9320:~$ sudo snap install multipassmultipass 1.10.1 from Canonical✓ installed


Next, let’s add three VMs to represent the three nodes in our Kubernetes cluster.


dell@dell-XPS-9320:~$ multipass launch -c 2 -m 2G -d 20G --name microk8s-vm2 22.04Launched: microk8s-vm2dell@dell-XPS-9320:~$ multipass launch -c 2 -m 2G -d 20G --name microk8s-vm2 22.04Launched: microk8s-vm2dell@dell-XPS-9320:~$ multipass launch -c 2 -m 2G -d 20G --name microk8s-vm3 22.04Launched: microk8s-vm3dell@dell-XPS-9320:~$ multipass listName         State   IPv4           Imagemicrok8s-vm1 Running Ubuntu 22.04 LTS10.1.132.192microk8s-vm2 Running Ubuntu 22.04 LTS10.1.169.192microk8s-vm3 Running Ubuntu 22.04 LTS10.1.83.0


Now, we can install Microk8s on these nodes. You can run the commands on each node by using “multipass shell ” or you can use the following script to save a little time. Save the file as a bash script named “” and make it executable and run it with bash ./


vms="microk8s-vm1 microk8s-vm2 microk8s-vm3"for vm in $vms; domultipass exec $vm -- sudo snap install microk8s --classic --channel=1.25/stablemultipass exec $vm -- sudo iptables -P FORWARD ACCEPTmultipass exec $vm -- sudo  usermod -a -G microk8s ubuntumultipass exec $vm -- sudo  chown -f -R ubuntu ~/.kubedone


After the script runs, we should have Microk8s on each VM ready to start. For our cluster we will start one of the nodes as our control node and the other two as worker nodes. Login to the first VM and start MicroK8s.


dell@dell-XPS-9320:~$ multipass shell microk8s-vm1ubuntu@microk8s-vm1:~$ microk8s startubuntu@microk8s-vm1:~$ microk8s status --wait-readymicrok8s is running


Next, we want to enable DNS as our example later in this document will need to find application services in our cluster by name.


ubuntu@microk8s-vm1:~$ microk8s enable dnsInfer repository core for addon dnsEnabling DNSApplying manifestserviceaccount/coredns createdconfigmap/coredns createddeployment.apps/coredns createdservice/kube-dns createdRestarting kubeletDNS is enabled


Now we need to add the other two nodes as workers. To do that, first run add-node from microk8s-vm1 and use the command in the output to add the first worker which will be microk8s-vm2.


ubuntu@microk8s-vm1:~$ microk8s add-nodeFrom the node you wish to join to this cluster, run the following:microk8s join the '--worker' flag to join a node as a worker not running the control plane, eg:microk8s join --workerIf the node you are adding is not reachable through the default interface you can use one of the following:microk8s join


Run the join command within the microk8s-vm2 vm, we can use multipass to execute this commend in the VM.


dell@dell-XPS-9320:~$ multipass exec microk8s-vm2 -- sudo microk8s join cluster at node has joined the cluster and will appear in the nodes list in a few seconds.


Repeat this process of running add-node and join for microk8s-vm3 and you will have a three-node local Kubernetes cluster for development. You can use kubectl from the control node to list all your nodes.


ubuntu@microk8s-vm1:~$ alias kubectl="microk8s kubectl "ubuntu@microk8s-vm1:~$ kubectl get noNAME         STATUSROLES  AGE   VERSIONmicrok8s-vm2 Ready2m35s v1.25.2 microk8s-vm3 Ready32s v1.25.2 microk8s-vm1 Ready11m v1.25.2


Cloud-native development with Docker and MicroK8s

Now that we have our small Kubernetes cluster running with MicroK8s, lets walk through an example of using it for some basic development and testing using Docker as our build utility. First, let’s install docker so we can use it for our local build tool.


dell@dell-XPS-9320:~$ sudo snap install dockerdocker 20.10.14 from Canonical✓ installeddell@dell-XPS-9320:~$ sudo addgroup --system dockerdell@dell-XPS-9320:~$ sudo adduser $USER dockerdell@dell-XPS-9320:~$ newgrp dockerdell@dell-XPS-9320:~$ sudo snap disable dockerdell@dell-XPS-9320:~$ sudo snap enable docker


First, let’s get our application running, we can use the previously mentioned NodeJS app called moby-counter for our example. Pull the repository and open it in your favorite editor. We’ll use Visual Code.


dell@dell-XPS-9320:~$ git clone --branch k8s into 'moby-counter'...remote: Enumerating objects: 149, done.remote: Counting objects: 100% (18/18), done.remote: Compressing objects: 100% (16/16), done.remote: Total 149 (delta 6), reused 7 (delta 2), pack-reused 131Receiving objects: 100% (149/149), 84.87 KiB | 3.14 MiB/s, done.Resolving deltas: 100% (72/72), done.



Next, let’s mount our development workspace into our Kubernetes cluster and launch the current version of the application. Mount the workspace into the first VM, microk8s-vm1.


dell@dell-XPS-9320:~$ multipass mount $HOME/workspace/moby-counter microk8s-vm1dell@dell-XPS-9320:~$ multipass info microk8s-vm1Name: microk8s-vm1State: RunningIPv4: Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTSImage hash: 473ffcd1c65c (Ubuntu 22.04 LTS)Load: 1.26 0.55 0.24Disk usage: 3.2G out of 19.2GMemory usage: 943.6M out of 1.9GMounts: /home/dell/workspace/moby-counter => /home/dell/workspace/moby-counterUID map: 1001:defaultGID map: 1001:default


Now from within our microk8s-vm1 we can use the Kuberntes CLI (kubectl)  to create our application directly from our development workspace.

>Note: Redis installation is not covered in this blog, please find these instructions here. If you deploy Redis Sentinel, its important to update `USE_REDIS_HOST` to the node Redis Sentinel configured as the master. To find this, its necessary to query the sentinel cluster using `SENTINEL get-master-addr-by-name `.  The address will be `redis-node-<#>.redis-headless.defaut.svc.cluster.local`where # is 0, 1 or 2. You can find more information about this here.


ubuntu@microk8s-vm1:~$ cd /home/dell/workspace/moby-counter/ubuntu@microk8s-vm1:/home/dell/workspace/moby-counter$ kubectl create -f k8s.yamldeployment.apps/k8s-counter-deployment createdservice/k8s-counter-service created


Next, access the application by viewing the NodePort via kubectl and heading to the NodePort on any of the IPs of any of your Kubernetes worker nodes. In short, copy the Cluster-IP of k8s-counter-service and port 30123 which is defined in the k8s.yaml and put that into a local browser http:// :30123/


ubuntu@microk8s-vm1:$ kubectl get poNAME         READY STATUS  RESTARTS AGEredis-node-0  2/2  Running 0        174mredis-node-1  2/2  Running 0        174mredis-client  1/1  Running 0        173mredis-node-2  2/2  Running 0        173mk8s-counter-deployment-645c58bf8c-mqbbz 1/1 Running 0 2m15sk8s-counter-deployment-645c58bf8c-j6jsg 1/1 Running 0 2m15sk8s-counter-deployment-645c58bf8c-whcvk 1/1 Running 0 2m15subuntu@microk8s-vm1:/home/dell/workspace/moby-counter$ kubectl get svc k8s-counter-serviceNAME                TYPE     CLUSTER-IP    EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S)      AGEk8s-counter-service NodePort 2m27s


Here we can see the application working by clicking on the screen to create logos. You should be able to refresh the browser and all logos remain. This simple application records clicks via coordinates (X:Y) on screen with NodeJS and writes them to Redis.


Now we can make a small update to our code base to show a very basic example of local development.


Now that we have modified our code, we can run a docker build on our local Dockerfile.


dell@dell-XPS-9320:~/workspace/moby-counter$ docker build . -t wallnerryan/web-counter:hello-microk8sSending build context to Docker daemon 353.3kBStep 1/7 : FROM errordeveloper/iojs-minimal-runtime:v1.0.1


Once we push that to a registry, we can update our YAML file and quickly re-apply. Note you can use a locally deployed docker registry if you truly want to run locally instead of pushing to a public registry like Dockerhub.


Make sure to save the YAML file and it should be automatically available within your workspace on microk8s-vm1.


ubuntu@microk8s-vm1:/home/dell/workspace/moby-counter$ kubectl apply -f k8s.yamldeployment.apps/k8s-counter-deployment configuredservice/k8s-counter-service unchanged


When we head back to our service running on our cluster, we see our code change from our local development environment. You may continue to click on the screen to add logos.


Parting thoughts

I hope this blog was useful in showing one way of using the Dell XPS 13 Plus Developer edition and MicroK8s for local cloud-native development without needing access to a separate Kubernetes cluster on infrastructure you may not have access to. This will help with initial proof of concept for local development and basic testing before pushing your changes into a proper CI/CD pipeline.

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