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7 Technologist


538 Posts


September 27th, 2022 18:00

cdCon1 : Firefly's cloud asset management solution

A few months ago I attended cdCon here in Austin and got a chance to talk with companies doing some pretty cool stuff.  One such company was Firefly which is based in Israel. In the following interview Sefi Genis, CTO and co-founder of Firefly, gives a quick demo and overview of Firefly's solution.


Folks, nice to meet you. I'm Sefi Genis, CTO and co-founder of Firefly, and we build a cloud asset management solution that brings everything up to code. It means that we scan the entire cloud footprint, such as AWS, Kubernetes, and everything, and we codify automatically to modern infrastructures, code tools such as Terraform, Pulumi, CloudFormation, mtra, and etcetera.

Now I'm going to show you a nice use case here. For example we connected within two clicks our GitHub repositories and using Firefly. You can pick your GitHub repositories and click here on the qualify button and start managing automatically all the GitHub repos with Terraform.

Firefly also adapted open policy agent in the product and using Firefly you can find a public repositories or other repositories, different repositories with master instead of main, and I'd love to answer any question you have. My name is Sefi and you can contact me at

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