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This post is more than 5 years old


April 23rd, 2008 07:00

Wake On Lan (WOL) problems on Precision 490 (do not work after a few hours off state)



I'm working since 3 days to solve my problem with a Precision 490:

I started to use the Broadcom integrated NIC, setup everything corectly, and the WOL is working if I shutdown the computer less than an hour ago, after an Hour or so is gone, the WOL is not effective anymore.

Tried Suspend stat S1, S3, do not change anything, tried different drivers: the same.

Tried to install a 3com network card : same result, WOL work just after I shutdown the computer, but not after an hour or so...


On both network plugs, and switch, LED are still actives.


I use the WOL over the internet, router configured correctly, and static IP. 


Please help!, I have to setup this befor I leave the country for a few month!




Message Edited by Crazygreg on 04-23-2008 10:43 AM
Message Edited by Crazygreg on 04-23-2008 10:44 AM

27 Posts

May 15th, 2008 21:00

Is the internal battery dying?

3 Posts

May 16th, 2008 07:00

The cmos internal battery seems okay, as I don't get any error on bios or else.

I tried installing a 3com network card : same result.


I removed all the energy saving option in the bios, and it still doesn't work.



3 Posts

September 11th, 2008 13:00

Did you get this working?  I am having the same problem with an Optiplex 520.

3 Posts

September 11th, 2008 17:00

No, I finaly let the computer with the add on 3 com card, and with the "wake on ping" setting under XP, forwarded a port in the router firewall,...but computer start randomly, but at least was "on" when needed it (exept one time, when I needed to call someone to start it).

Dell should do something about this, as it appear to be redondant on many pc.


36 Posts

September 18th, 2008 07:00

I am having exactly the same problem with a Dell Precision 490. WOL seems to work at first, but then when you need it after several hours in the off state, it doesn't.


Similar problems occur with all the Optiplex 755's that we have (and we have lots!):


- either we activate "wake on directed packet" and then the PC's wake up all the time. I guess they keep each other alive sending all kinds of useless packets.


- either we activate only "wake on magic packet" and  "wake on magic packet from power off state" and then the PC's wake up correctly after the first hibernation, but not anymore after the next hibernation.


Anyone who knows how to make this Wake on Lan work reliably on a Dell PC will be my hero!



3 Posts

September 18th, 2008 10:00

I opened a ticket w/Dell and Broadcom.  Dell came in and changed the motherboard.  I'm waiting a couple of hours to test.  I doubt that will fix it.  With Broadcom,  they're having me run diags and asking me questions on my config.  I'll let you know how I make out. 
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