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December 20th, 2016 12:00

Precision t7400 in a t7500 case

In September of 2015 it was pointed out that a t7500 would not fit in a t7400 case.  What about the opposite direction?  I have a T7400 with no sides and want to move the entire contents into a T7500 case after gutting it, of course.  Does this sound possible?

10 Elder


45.2K Posts

December 20th, 2016 16:00

A lot depends on whether (a) the T7400 motherboard will fit in a T7500 case, and (b) if the connections to the front panel are the same on these 2 models.  I don't know the answer to either question.  

Dell typically uses custom connectors between their motherboards and the front panels. They don't make that info publically available. So unless they're exactly the same connections, or you or somebody else can map the connectors, this may not be doable.

Have you searched these forums to see if anybody has already done what you want to do?

9 Legend


47K Posts

December 22nd, 2016 07:00

The 7400 has no riser and both cpu sockets on the motherboard the 7500 has a riser.  The ram between the 2 are not interchangeable.

So I would say no its not working.




14 Posts

December 21st, 2016 13:00

Hi Ron,

Thanks for your reply.  Yes, I have searched via google and found a thread here (September of 2015) where the person wanted to place a T7500 mobo in a T7400 and was dissuaded because of fans and other things.

My experience with the Matrix Smith mini towers suggests that the bare metal foundation is identical, that the wires, cables, plastic and so on are the only difference, allowing you to take a metal case for an Optiplex gx620 and transplant an Optiplex 780 into tit.

I'm having a deuce of a time finding a T7400 case -- probably too old.  T7500 cases are available, hence the question.  The Precision 690, T7400 and T7500 are exactly the same size, presumably the same case.  If I could take the sides off and transplant them, that would work.


10 Elder


45.2K Posts

December 21st, 2016 16:00

There's a good write-up on the cases and pinouts for the T7400 etc here but it probably won't solve your problem.

Assuming the T7400 motherboard fits into a T7500 case, would the T7400 front panel fit the T7500 case too?  If that's possible, you wouldn't have to worry about front pinouts, panels, etc.

Don't know if side panels from any of those other cases would fit the T7400 case. Guess you'll have to watch eBay and places like that for either another T7400 case or its panels.

Do the side panels have to be OEM? In other words, could you cut some pieces of sheet aluminum to fit the T7400 case and paint them to match?

9 Legend


47K Posts

December 22nd, 2016 05:00

It looks close but there's no telling .



14 Posts

December 28th, 2016 12:00

Thanks folks.  I guess I'll just wait for a T7400 case to show up.  Maybe I'll try to make the side as suggested.  For containing noise, both acoustic and electronic, having a closed case would seem to be a good idea.  Thank you both for your ideas.

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