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This post is more than 5 years old



August 20th, 2017 00:00

Precision T3620 memory configuration

Hi all,

I'm not new to the precision range having had several Precision laptops however it was now time to change for a desktop as it never leaves the desk.

I've bought a T3620 and want to do some due dillegence in checking everything is setup correctly before doing a final clean install.  The first question is regarding memory.

The system has 32GB memory (2x16gb).  The board as 4 slots - Dimm 1 to Dimm 4 in order of

Dimm 3, Dimm 1, Dimm 4 and Dimm 2

And finally the two 16GB modules are in Dimm 1 and Dimm 4

Colours are: 3 and 4 are black slots, 1 and 2 are white and so in this case, I have 1 module in a black slot and the other in a white.

My understanding is they should be under the colour pair or is that wrong?

Thanks in advance


9 Legend


47K Posts

August 25th, 2017 05:00

white ears are the 1st bank  the order is 1 then 3   2 then 4.

You cant mix you must use pairs.


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