This post is more than 5 years old
9 Posts
November 24th, 2015 11:00
Dell XPS 8500 Power Button No Power
I'm having issues with a Dell XPS 8500. The power button does not power on the computer at all. I tried the usual reseating everything including the battery and holding the power button in with no power cable. I ordered a new power supply and put it in but now realize it's for an 8700. The only difference is the 8700 psu has the test button and the 8500 doesn't.
If I hook up the computer to a monitor/keyboard/mouse and hold the test button in on the psu, the computer boots and functions as normal. If I let go of the test button it shuts off. Is there a way to turn the test button on all the time because that would fix it.
Is there a special way to test if the power button is broken? I unplugged the button on the board labeled F and I read something about using a screw driver to connect the pins to turn on the PC?
DELL-Jennifer K
1.2K Posts
November 24th, 2015 21:00
Thank you for confirming all the troubleshooting steps that you have performed.
Now to confirm if the power button or the power button cable is faulty turn of the system and disconnect the power button cable which is connected to the motherboard.Then power on the system by connecting it to the wall socket then connect a monitor to the system ,we are trying to power on the system directly from the mains.
Hoping this helps.
9 Posts
November 25th, 2015 12:00
DELL-Jennifer K
1.2K Posts
November 26th, 2015 07:00
Once the system is connected to the wall socket it receives power from the source and when the monitor is connected to the system if the systemboard & power supply work fine it is transferred to the monitor. Here we are not disconnecting the power supply unit from the systemboard but only the connector from the power button. If you are uncertain about performing this step then do not proceed
9 Posts
November 26th, 2015 18:00
Okay I have the PC connected to a monitor and connected to power with the power button cable disconnected from the board. Nothing is happening. The computer doesn't turn on automatically when connected to the monitor. The motherboard light is glowing an amber color.
DELL-Jennifer K
1.2K Posts
November 27th, 2015 04:00
Based on these we can say that the systemboard is unable to transfer sufficient power to other system components. And system board is faulty.
9 Posts
November 28th, 2015 09:00
If the system board was faulty, how can the computer function as normal when I hold in the test button on the power supply? If I hold the test button on the psu, the computer boots up to Windows like normal.
DELL-Jennifer K
1.2K Posts
November 30th, 2015 23:00
Given in these situations the system board transmits power to other components intermittently so there is a connection problem where in some circuit board fails. Hence send the service tag of the system via private message so that I can assist you further.
5 Posts
May 9th, 2017 12:00
Hello I'm having the same issues as tman05, But I don't have a PSU for the 8700, so no test button, When you said connect a monitor do you mean the PC slot or the HDMI slot?
5 Posts
May 22nd, 2017 10:00
I'm having the same issue, What you are suggesting do I plug the monitor to the motherboard or the GPU?
9 Legend
9 Legend
47K Posts
May 22nd, 2017 11:00
Paper Clip Test should show if the unit is working.
My guess is that its DEAD and therefore WILL NOT EVER Turn on.