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3 Posts


January 19th, 2023 02:00

Isilon OneFS shares list

Hi, I have an issue at one of my customers.

We have an Isilon configured, with SMB shares. It is using Active Directory users to access the shares.

The permissions are properliy given to the users. They can enter the shares with no issues.

However only some users can see the shares list. I mean:

* Accessing \\ \shares --> no issues for any user with permission

* Accessing \\ \ --> some users get a list of all shares, some users get "permission denied"

Where can I configure which users can see the list of all shares?

I could not find this setting anywhere.




8.7K Posts

January 19th, 2023 08:00


Thanks for your question.  These documents may help. and

Let us know if there is anything else we can help you with.

January 20th, 2023 01:00

Hi, many thanks for your answer. sem to be related to files permissions.

Same thing with 

I am interested on listing the shares. The shares should not be related to the permission with file and directories, right?

It might be if Access Based Share Enum was active, but in my case it is set to "no", so deactivated.





8.7K Posts

January 20th, 2023 06:00

 Are the users where it works on different switches than the ones where it doesn’t work? What version of Onefs are you on? Have any of the data movers failed over? Are the users that it works and doesn’t work have something different in what groups they are in? May also want to check this

January 20th, 2023 13:00

Hi Josh. Many thanks for your answer. The network is fairly big. Users move around, so yes, twe could say they are in different switches. However if a user with access logs out from a workstation and a different user logs without rights in on the same workstation, then he still cannot access the shares.

So it is unlikely that is related to the network or hardware, and most likely related to the user permissions.

Now, related to the groups, this is something that I investigating. There are no Isilon local groups configured. The active directory groups should be the same, but I am digging into that right now.

However, even if they are different, there should be some setting on the OneFS that allows me to say who can view or who cannot view the list of shares. Or at least which of the groups is allowed.

Thanks for the link you posted. It refers a user not being able to access to \\CNAME\share_name

as I mentioned, all users in a specific Active directory group can access to \\CNAME\share_name.

However not all users on the same Active directory group can see the list of shares on \\CNAME\

I hope it brings some clarity.




8.7K Posts

January 20th, 2023 13:00

Do the share names have underscores in them? That can cause problems. What version of OneFS is being used?

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