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1 Rookie


6 Posts


April 9th, 2024 11:56

OpenManage Enterprise 4.0.1 - failed to start network manager wait online

I'm trying to get OPE 4 installed, so I can migrate for 3.10, but when I try I get the following error on startup. 

I'm using Hyper-V on Server 2019. I've tried with the 4.0 and 4.0.1 VHDX files, and get the same message.

First I get the GNU Grub screen and choose SLES 15-SP4, It says Loading, then I get the following.

[FAILED] failed to start network manager wait online

Am I missing a setting in Hyper-V?





3.5K Posts

April 9th, 2024 18:22



Could you review this section and confirm you have prerequisites, ports and protocols, firewall exceptions


OpenManage Enterprise 4.0 User's Guide


Deployment prerequisites page 25-29


Appliance Hard drive space 830 GB, ports and protocols, firewall exceptions


Then follow Deploy in Microsoft Hyper-V page 30-31


1 Rookie


2 Posts

April 9th, 2024 21:37

I am having the same issue. Everything is setup from the document and yet i still get the same error code

1 Rookie


7 Posts

April 10th, 2024 09:28


I have the same problem as described by Adrian Pratt.

I imported the HVD Template into my Hyper-V, so it should not be due to an incorrect setting.


1 Rookie


6 Posts

April 10th, 2024 10:06

@DELL-Charles R​ 

Thanks, I have followed those instructions to setup my VM, but unfortunately this is the error I'm getting still. Our firewall is configured to allow it, but as I can't get to the TUI to configure it, I don't think that's the issue.



3.5K Posts

April 10th, 2024 12:25



Could you try review this Knowledge Base article and see if it works for you?


Knowledge Base Article: 000219280

OpenManage Enterprise 3.10.x to 4.0 Migration


This video guide to migrate may help:

How to Migrate OpenManage Enterprise From 3.10.x to 4.0

1 Rookie


6 Posts

April 10th, 2024 15:28

@DELL-Charles R​ Thanks again, but I'm afraid that doesn't help, as I can't get OpenManage Enterprise 4 to startup. All I get is the error message mentioned previously.



3.5K Posts

April 10th, 2024 15:47

Could you post a screen shot of the error so I can see where it comes up?

1 Rookie


6 Posts

April 10th, 2024 16:05

When I turn it on I get this.

Then this appears.

And after 30 seconds or so this appears.




3.5K Posts

April 10th, 2024 17:25

Thank you.


Did you get the virtual switch attached?


Which step were you on when you got the error?

Is it

Next steps

1. Power on the virtual machine.


Deploy in Microsoft Hyper-V page 30



With three people having this issue; Would one of you be able to contact support directly?


Call in on a system with an active warranty and when you get the engineer ask for Systems Management. An engineer can do a remote session to get a look with you. The forum is not set up for that type of engagement.

1 Rookie


7 Posts

April 11th, 2024 07:50


When I import the machine, there is no option to choose "virtual switch" like mentioned on step 8 on page 31





3.2K Posts

April 11th, 2024 13:00



please upload the screenshot again because it is not visible

1 Rookie


7 Posts

April 12th, 2024 06:14

It does not work, I tried it several times, always saying upload complete :-(

When I import the VHD I got a pop up "Connect Network", saying: Could not find Ethernet switch 'Default Switch'.

Then I could choose between "Not Connected" and our "VMLAN".




3.5K Posts

April 15th, 2024 20:47



When deploying OpenManage Enterprise to Hyper-V, you will need to create an External Virtual Switch. This type of virtual switch allows communication between the virtual machines and the physical network. It enables the virtual machines to connect to the network and access external resources such as the internet or other devices on the network.

1 Rookie


7 Posts

April 17th, 2024 06:32

Hello Charles,

how can I create this External Virtual Switch?

Can you please provide a step by step guide?




2.3K Posts

April 17th, 2024 07:52


I've could find these steps. Hope that is helpful.

Steps to create Hyper-V virtual switch

1. Create virtual switch using Hyper-V Manager

  1. Creating virtual switches using the Hyper-V virtual manager is easy. Here is how to configure it.
  2. Open Hyper-V Manager on your Windows computer.
  3. From the right pane click on “Virtual Switch Manager” under Actions. It will open the Virtual Switch Manager wizard.
  4. In the wizard, choose the “New virtual network switch” option.
  5. Next, select the type of virtual switch you want to create. There are three types of the virtual switch which I have explained below.
    Private Virtual Switch – This switch only allows communications between the connected VMs that are connected to the private virtual switch.
    Internal Virtual Switch – This switch only allows communication between virtual adapter connected to connected Virtual Machines and the operating system.
    External Virtual Switch – This switch allows communication outside the host. This is due to the switch being connected to a physical network adapter installed in the Hyper-V.
  6. Select you prefered type of virtual switch and click on Create Virtual Switch button.
  7. Name your new virtual switch.
  8. For Connection Type, select “External Network” and select the network connection from the drop-down menu.
  9. Check “Allow management operating system to share this network adapter” box. These options depend on the virtual switch type selected by the user.
  10. There is an option to enable “VLAN ID” for LAN identification. Leave it unchecked, if you don’t know what it does.
  11. Once done, click on Apply and OK to complete new virtual switch configuration.

How to fix the Hyper-V Error applying hard drive changes

2. Create Hyper-V virtual switch using PowerShell


  1. One advantage of using PowerShell to create a virtual switch is the automation it offers in the Hyper-V environment. It also expedites the process by creating virtuals switch with a few commands.
  2. Right-click on “Start” and select Windows PowerShell (admin).
  3. In the PowerShell window, enter the following command and hit enter:
  4. This command will show network adapters. Take note of the names.
  5. External Switch – The following command creates a new External switch. Make sure to replace switch name and network adapter name accordingly.
    New-VMSwitch -name < switch name > -NetAdapterName < network adapter name > -AllowManagementOS $true
  6. Internal Switch – The following command creates a new Internal Switch. Make sure to replace the switch name and network adapter name accordingly.
    New-VMSwitch -name < switch name > -SwitchType Internal
  7. Private Switch – The following command create a new Private Switch. Make sure to change the switch name and network adapter name accordingly.
     New-VMSwitch -name < switch name > -SwitchType Private
  8. Execute any one of the above commands to create Hyper-V virtual switch.

Then you can check this "Deploy OpenManage Enterprise on Hyper-V"

Dell EMC OpenManage Enterprise Version 3.7 User's Guide | Dell US

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