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7 Posts


March 9th, 2023 11:00

OME 3.10, IDRAC 8&9, device name

Here is the scenario. OME version is 3.10. IDRAC firmwares are for IDRAC8, and for IDRAC9. 

The issue I'm seeing in OME is that the device names are not showing up the same. IDRAC8 device names are showing up as the FQDN that I expect, and if I do a dump of the basic device info via ansible I can see the DeviceName and the DnsName match this FQDN. IDRAC9 device names are just showing as the hostname but are missing the domain, and checking the basic device info reflects this as missing in the DeviceName and the DnsName. What I'd like to see is the FQDN like what IDRAC8 is doing. Prior to doing the IDRAC9 firmware update to (version 5.x.x.x or older) the device names were the FQDN. I don't have a device info dump from OME when IDRAC9 was on the older 5.x.x.x firmware to confirm what OME was pulling from the IDRAC.

Any idea what is going on here or what I can change/set to fix this?



3.2K Posts

March 13th, 2023 03:00

Hi @ThatGuyJ,


It seems that there is a need to contact support to raise a ticket, so I would recommend you to do that and have the support to check if there are any issues with OME through log analysis. 

7 Posts

March 9th, 2023 12:00

Rolled an IDRAC9 back from to and then did an OME discovery/onboard. OME is showing just the hostname, not FQDN, and the OME device info dump shows the same in DnsName and DeviceName. Since firmware 5 and 6 seems to be doing the same thing, this leads the to think that there is may be an issue with how OME 3.10 is pulling information from IDRAC9 devices. Really wish I would have noticed this when I upgraded to 3.10 as I would have rolled back the snapshot of the system then, but it all appeared fine on that day and of course I didn't check back after a scheduled discovery/onboard to see the change.

Anyone on OME 3.10 with IDRAC9 devices seeing hostname+domain for the device names?



3.2K Posts

March 9th, 2023 19:00

Hi @ThatGuyJ,


Was it working before OME 3.10? Would you be able to get a couple of screenshots that you mentioned OME showing iDRAC 8 and 9 device names? Also, when you said, did an Ansible dump, can you provide me more information on how you do it? 


I would like to use the info to try to reach out to engineering, to check if it's intentional, or it's just configuration that should resolve the issue. 

7 Posts

March 10th, 2023 06:00

Thanks for helping out on this. I believe it was working before OME 3.10 because I built an ansible inventory file from an OME 8.x device info dump (pre upgrade to OME 3.10) that included the fqdn of each device.

Here is a redacted screen grab of some iDRAC 8 devices as they are now. As you can see it shows a fqdn for the name.


And here is a redacted screen grab of some iDRAC 9 devices as they are now. As you can see the name is much shorter and does not include the domain.


The ansible task is something like below. I use this to dump all the basic device info of every device and then I have a bunch of other ansible tasks to process the data into an inventory file to be used by other ansible playbooks.

- name: Retrieve basic inventory of a device
    hostname: "{ { some_hostname }}"
    username: "{ { some_domain }}\\{ { some_user }}"
    password: "{ { some_password }}"
    validate_certs: false
    timeout: 60
  register: OME_devices



2.3K Posts

March 10th, 2023 07:00

Hi, thanks for the information. Since Joey check it out please take a look General Device Naming  and Server Device Naming.

Also might be needed to rediscover iDRAC9 devices after installing iDRAC Service Module to OS on servers. Sorry, I don't know much about ansible dump. I can't comment on that. Hope that helps!

7 Posts

March 10th, 2023 14:00

Thanks Erman for that additional information. We have OME Server Device Naming set to iDRAC Hostname. We normally don't install iSM or any other software on the OS to gather info about the OS as that is handled by another team that has their own tools. My team only uses OME to manage the hardware.

7 Posts

March 22nd, 2023 07:00

Just popping back here in case someone stumbles across this thread and is having similar issues. After talking to support here is some info and my result.

At some point in the iDRAC9 firmware updates there was a change where it no longer reports the hostname+domain to OME. There was a reason for the change, something to do with zero touch provisioning, but the result is that iDRAC9 with older firmware will report the iDRAC fqdn and newer firmware will report just the iDRAC hostname. Bummer, but not the end of the world. My use case is that I'm dumping the basic info of all devices out of OME to be processed into an ansible inventory. The fqdn is used by ansible tasks to do some things so I needed that info. 

My solution is kinda brute force but works. I have an ansible playbook to build the inventory, and in that playbook I have a task to strip off the domain when found (for the older iDRAC8s since they didn't get the change), and then another task to find all the hostnames and add the domain at the end of those lines (building up the fqdn again).

Also, the support peeps were going to pass my request for the fqdn from iDRAC9 up the chain. So there ya go. An answer as to why things are they way they are and working as intended, and a possible workaround.

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