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1 Rookie


39 Posts


July 17th, 2020 06:00

Dell Encryption & Microsoft Teams

We are dipping our toes in the Office 365 pool and having some odd random issues with Teams, the first application that we are trying to adopt.  After working for weeks and months some employees report issues with the application not launching.  Microsoft choose an odd way to deploy this app since it installs under the user profile and runs an update program instead of the app itself.  The update will upgrade and then apparently launch Teams -- except when it fails quietly to do anything. In one case Teams returned to normal operation after an upgrade from 1809 to 1903 Windows.

I found this article that blames DDPE -- I saw the issue first hand on my PC with 10.5 last month.  We adopted 10.6 3 months ago on new deployments and just recently began moving to 10.6 on existing systems.  Has anyone else seen this?



147 Posts

July 27th, 2020 08:00

Hi @eddierowe,

Thanks for the link.  This issue is new to our team and hasn't been brought up to us by a customer or even by Microsoft who we speak with weekly.  We're going to get this item on the docket to discuss with them and work towards a better resolution than just excluding the Teams appdata directory.


11 Posts

January 5th, 2021 07:00

Hi @eddierowe !

I'm following up on this. @SteveO1683  and I have been working to reproduce this using various installers for Microsoft Teams, and we can no longer reproduce this on our end.

Are you still seeing this? Is there a specific version of Teams that you were running that resulted in this failure?

Thank you for the information and the headsup to this issue!


