35 Posts
Settings change only when client rebooted
I was messing around to test the Dell BIOS Provider module, and was trying to use it to configure the Wake On Lan on some Dell machines.
What I did was:
Create a script that changes the Wake On Lan and Deep Sleep Control settings under Power Management category on a remote computer.
Check those settings.
PS: The Windows network adapter configuration I'm doing manually for now
Then I turned off that machine and the network card wasn't ready to use.
So I have turned on the machine and checked inside the BIOS the settings and they were correct.
I turned of the machine again and the network card was ready...
My question is: Is a reboot necessary to apply every change we make using the module?
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35 Posts
December 6th, 2019 10:00
It seems that no one knows that... Maybe who created that module? Dell?