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This post is more than 5 years old


November 5th, 2015 05:00

Dell Command | PowerShell Provider 1.0 - Optimus/SwitchableGraphics


During SCCM OSD phase (WinPE 10x86 environment), I can't find Optimus or SwitchableGraphics parameter (Dellsmbios:\Video) on my Precision M4700. Only LCDBrightness options are available.

With CCTK 3.1, I can manage this parameter.

With CCTK, when must I use Optimus option or SwitchableGraphics Option ?


November 15th, 2015 21:00


Please note the platform you are trying on Precision M4700 is unsupported for DCPP 1.0 product. You can get this info of supported platforms here:

When we tried on a Precision M6800 we did not see the issue you have reported. Wanted to verify with you whether you are using Dell Command | PowerShell Provider(DCPP) beta release or DCPP 1.0

kindly revert

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