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1 Rookie


5 Posts


July 26th, 2024 19:31

dell advanced exchange sitution

i know sometimes it can take weeks to get a replacement and i don't have alot of money around so advanced exchange isn't an option i can consider the monitor i got support agreed by pictures to do an exchange at first i was offered to get a open box if i couldn't provide a card to hold then I've read all the people who've had issues with lost returns and such and in my situation that would screw me does dell ever consider on a case by case basis of approving advanced exchange in bad situations this? they can bill me or pursue legal action i just don't want to be without computer monitor for a long time when its a problem with the monitor i bought to begin with  i got a ticket in now i asked for please anything they can consider doing for a customer in my situation but also heard dell forums are a good spot to get extra help and insight i am still within the 30 days of purchase so i should get a new one but its sounding like id have to take the chance and send it back or if the offer of open box refurb is an option try it or and hope nothing gets lost and be without it for a while some ppl said took weeks or more

was the first support agent correct id still have an option to get an advance if i accepted open box refurbished unit if the team says no when they get back to me again about possibly doing it without?  i came to dell based off warranty and support recommendations

my monitors backlight has alot of bleed and glowy spots in black scenes support said panel defect or bezel from factory probly not on right  

10 Elder


24.1K Posts

July 26th, 2024 21:03

Take the refund, and re-order.  That way you will have a new, unopened item.

1 Rookie


5 Posts

July 26th, 2024 21:39

@ejn63​  i whould but brother let me use card for my cash and since has cancled tht account for new bank i think and dont think hed want me tieing up 200 hoping they can make an exception  mainly just dont want to risk being without monitor for while if shipping issues arise on either side


1 Rookie


5 Posts

July 26th, 2024 23:25

just went through another 1 hours 30 mins of replacemnt basic department throwing me through hoops asked to be transfered with someone who can help and make decisions in the end they never could either and they wont honor what the first agent offered or waive the hold im willing to take either if another support staff on here see this and wants to help sort this out let me know im getting frustrated defective monitor but cant get a convientent replacement because im poor and cant afford another 215 hold as i dont own a card its was my brother who let me use for cash now im stuck with a defective monitor or stuck waiting 2 weeks or more if carrier loses it or more issues i just wanna cry 

10 Elder


24.1K Posts

July 27th, 2024 00:14

It's not clear where the issue is.  Return the monitor for a refund.  Once you have that, order another monitor (or probably better in this circumstance, go buy one at a retailer).

1 Rookie


5 Posts

July 27th, 2024 12:39

@ejn63​  thanks again for another reply to clarify im just not comfortable with all bad expirernces i read with sending it and going without a monitor possibly for 2 3 weeks if something is delayed or goes wrong with all bad things ive read and someone in my money situation i was hoping dell might understand and ok a advanced without hold as i dont have a card my brother let me use for birthday and i gave him cash tech and replacement said customer care is only ones who'd be able to consider it as they can only submit a replacement with card because its how their system works and dont have power to wave it like they whould so if any dell customer care read this please let me know

replacement said in 7 days they can send refurb first after all but reccomended i told customer care my situation and see if they can

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