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October 16th, 2018 02:00

Remove Virtual Fabric


I need help for merging 2 switches where VF needs to be disabled.

Below is our current Brocade switches configuration;

Model: Brocade 6520




Zoning: Soft

VF > Enabled

1) FID: 128

> cfgzone: Not Defined

> Fabric: n/a

2) FID: 2

> cfgczone: Zoning_A (Defined and Active)

> Fabric: Switch_1

3) FID: 6

> cfgzone: Zoning_B (Defined and Active)

> Fabric: Switch_1 & Switch_2

All FIDs, i.e. 128, 2, 6 have ports connected and zoned.

Scenerio 1: Disable Virtual Fabric

(A) We need to get rid of virtual fabric, i.e. FID 2, 6, and finally 128

(B) I need Default switch into Fabric with no impact to current zones and alias.

> I am ok with Downtime of assets connected

> I am ok with creating a New Defined Zoning Configuration.

Scenerio 2: Keep Virtual Fabric Enabled, but delete FID 2 & FID 6, so using just Default FID 128

> I am ok with Downtime of assets connected

> I am ok with creating a New Defined Zoning Configuration.

> What will happen to zones and alias when ports are move from FID 2 & FID 6 to FID 128

> What will happen to zones and alias when finally all ports are in FID 128 and we disable Virtual fabric

Step by step process to achieve scenerio 1& 2 will be highly appreicated.


2 Intern


150 Posts

October 16th, 2018 02:00


Scenario 1:

- Remove zoning.

- Move ports from LS to default.

- Delete LS.

- Once done, in default switch disable VF, and reboot.

- Re-create zoning.


Is easier.

- Remove zoning.

- Move ports to default switch.

- Delete LS.

- In default switch re-create zoning.

2 Intern


150 Posts

October 16th, 2018 03:00


Yes that would be an option.

But copying the zones from LS to the other,  is like re-creating them anyway.

You actually can do that all before you do the move.



1 Rookie


119 Posts

October 16th, 2018 03:00

1) Per your steps, what will happen to existing aliases once ports are moved ?

2) Is there any alternative other then removing & recreating zoning, as this will be a very lenghty stuff as FID 2 & 6 have too many zones ?

for e.g can this be done;

a. Create New Defined Zone in FID 128, say New_Zone

b. Move ports to default switch FID 128

c. Copy zones from current effective config of FID 2 & FID 6 to new config New_Zone

d. Delete LS

1 Rookie


119 Posts

October 16th, 2018 05:00

Can this be done like below;


Switches are already ISL connected

On Switch_1 > DID is already 1 & Principal

Run switchdisable on Switch_1

Run switchdisable on Switch_2

1) Do configupload_Switch1_FID2.txt from Switch_1:FID 2

2) Do configupload_Switch1_FID6.txt from Switch_1:FID 6

3) Create new zone config New_Zone in FID 128

4) Do configupload_Switch1_FID128.txt from Switch_1:FID 128

5) Move all ports from FID 2 & FID 6 to FID 128

6) Delete FID 2 & FID 6

7) Copy zones and alias information from configupload_Switch1_FID2.txt & configupload_Switch1_FID6.txt file and paste appropriately in configupload_Switch1_FID128.txt

6) Do configdownload_Switch1_FID128.txt while in FID 128 context

7) Add all zones to New_Zone using cfgadd

8) cfgsave

9) switchenable

10 cfgenable New_Zone

On Switch_2 > DID is already 2 & Principal

11) Do configupload_Switch2_FID2.txt from Switch_2:FID 2

12) Do configupload_Switch2_FID6.txt from Switch_2:FID 6


14) Do configupload_Switch2_FID128.txt from Switch_2:FID 128

15) Move all ports from FID 2 & FID 6 to FID 128

16) Delete FID 2 & FID 6

17) Copy zones and alias information from configupload_Switch2_FID2.txt & configupload_Switch2_FID6.txt file and paste appropriately in configupload_Switch2_FID128.txt

18) Do configdownload_Switch2_FID128.txt while in FID 128 context

19) switchenable

At this point switch will merge and I guess Switch_2 will become subordinate

Are this steps correct?

2 Intern


150 Posts

October 23rd, 2018 05:00

Hi there,

I see that you posted the same question on the Brocade community.

Setting this questions as answered.

Best Regards,


1 Rookie


119 Posts

October 25th, 2018 01:00

Hello EdSchulte,

Yes I did, but I am not getting any answer or help. Hence posted here also, and infact I got help here

Would appreciate any help on my question. So the steps I have mentioned are ok or any modification required?


2 Intern


150 Posts

October 25th, 2018 07:00


No, that will not work. Switch 1 and 2 have in the end different zoning, and will not merge. You need to have on both switches the EXACT same zoning to be able to merge.

The principal of the actions are correct.



1 Rookie


119 Posts

October 26th, 2018 00:00

Ok, so these means whatever steps I have mentioned are logically ok, but will not work in my case then.

Then I believe only option left to me is to follow either of the two solutions what you stated earlier;

Scenario 1:

- Remove zoning.

- Move ports from LS to default.

- Delete LS.

- Once done, in default switch disable VF, and reboot.

- Re-create zoning.

Scenario 2:

Is easier.

- Remove zoning.

- Move ports to default switch.

- Delete LS.

- In default switch re-create zoning.

For either of,

1) On Switch_1 > Will create zoning config with name "New_Zone_Config" and follow your steps

2) On Switch_2 > Will create zoning config with name "New_Zone_Config" and follow your steps

At this stage, both switches will have;

> Zoning Config with same name

> Different zone names on both switches as that will depend on the hosts (aliases) connected

Now If I merge switch, then operation will be ok which will have have single fabric with single zoning config name with 2 switches ?

2 Intern


150 Posts

October 26th, 2018 04:00


You need to make sure that the zoning is the same on BOTH fabrics are exactly the same, otherwise they won't merge.

Another option would be to create the all zoning on 1 switch, clear the zoning on the other and merge, so that the zoning is also merged to the other switch.

Refer to Admin and Command guides downloadable from our support website.



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