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1 Rookie


16 Posts


November 11th, 2019 18:00

SCv3020 Console or Unisphere Login

We have a couple semi-new SCv3020 without warranty that are not discovered in DSM but I can access the serial login and Unisphere for SC Series webpage.

I am just looking for the login and password for either of those however I prefer to login through the Unisphere web page if possible as I can't seem to find that in any documentation anywhere.20191111_211445_resized.jpg20191111_212552_resized.jpg20191111_211738_resized.jpg20191111_211214_resized.jpg

Thanks for your help and have a great day!

4 Operator


2K Posts

November 12th, 2019 01:00

I only knew the pw recovery for SC4020 and not sure if its the same for SCv3020

  1. You have to create a USB stick with standard FAT32 FS. Use a small USB.
  2. Create a ASCII file with the name "unlock.phy"
  3. Enter the following line into the ASCII File "unlock Admin" where Admin is the accountname where you would like to bypass the Authentification. "Admin" is the hardcoded default User.
  4. Put the USB into the CM Leader (it took up to a minute for the *bsd OS to recognize the usb and mounting)
  5. Now you can connect to the serial with User "Admin" and empty passwd or "mmm" (which is the SCOS Default)

Question: A SCv3020 comes in mid 2017? and with mormaly 3Y Support... how can it be without? Or is it a demo unit?


1 Rookie


16 Posts

November 14th, 2019 13:00

By ASCII file do you mean notepad file renamed to unlock.phy

I am giving it a try now...

When a customer returns servers to Dell - They don't actually go to Dell - they go to an ITAD (IT Asset Disposal) company and they are stripped of warranty and don't even show up in the Dell system anymore. We get hundreds of servers every month all with no support or warranty which can be difficult as we don't even know why they were returned. Most servers are working fine and can be tested and resold as such but a lot have hardware issues and can be resold for parts to R2 certified customers after all the data is wiped. I see a lot of bad system boards, backplanes, bad drives and other issues. Fun stuff!

4 Operator


2K Posts

November 15th, 2019 06:00

Yes "notepad" would be fine. Normaly i would prefer notepad++ or vi because i would like to have control about my CarriageReturn\Newline.


Ok... youre not a normal customer


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